
Sunday, January 28, 2007

And Here We Are....

So...welcome to the new blog! This has been something I have been rolling around in my head for a really long time, but just never got around to starting. For those of you who know me (who am I kidding, you all know me, I don't really think strangers are flocking to my new blog) know that I have been writing the ZPO website for about a year and a half now. I love doing it and have always thought I would enjoy a personal blog as well. we are!

Now that I have gone to the trouble to start it, I feel as if I need to say something great...hmmm...I will tell you all that my perfect cat Sammie had to go to the vet yesterday (actually so did the perfect dog Ellie, and I brought them both at the same time, all by myself! AMAZING!!) Anyways, to the point, the vet said that Sam needs Geriatric Blood work. Wait a minute. WHAT?? That's right, geriatric. I mean, I know he is older, but he isn't THAT old! He is fifteen...

I don't want to talk about it.

Leave me alone.

Okay, it is midnight and I am really tired and my eyes hurt from messing with this stupid template. This first post is lame...real lame, but I guess I can only get better from here. Thanks for reading! 


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! OK, I guess you were actually in the world before me...welcome to the world of personal blogging! I enjoy your funny stories so much, I will be looking forward to reading some of them!!

  2. I LOVE your templet! It is soooo cute! Can't wait to read all your inner most thoughts!
