
Sunday, February 25, 2007

Lazy, Perfect Weekend

You know that lazy weekends that you always dream about but never really happen? Well, let me tell you, I am in the middle of one and it is fabulous! I am never good at doing nothing. As soon as I have a little free time, I always fill it with tons of crap. Not this time!

Friday I was a little productive. I managed to clean up the house, have lunch with Nick and some friends, go to the grocery store, and then go over to Liz's for a wonderful dinner with all my girlfriends. I will get a post up on ZPO about the evening in the next few days. For now I will say that I am so lucky to have suck wonderful girlfriends in my life. I really don't know what I would do without them.

Saturday I made it to 130 club at Charings house. We had breakfast and hung out and talked for a while. So nice that I didn't have to be at work! Boo came back home with me after Charing’s. We ordered in lunch for us and Nick and watched the wedding video!! Oh, how I love the wedding video. The best part is that as a surprise the video guy put together a highlight real for us! (Yes, we are close to our video guy...we have done LOTS of weddings!) I can't wait for everyone to see how great it all looks! After the video there was a nap for a couple of hours, then Nick and I watched an entire disk of the X-files and had dinner. Perfect!

Today we are basically doing a lot of the same. Nick made pancakes for breakfast and my friend Nancy stopped by to hang out for a bit. I think I will make something good for dinner, but that is always fun when you have all the time in the world. Now I am off to play some video games (exercise!). Hope you all had as perfect of a weekend as me!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the perfect weekend - good food, good friends and good tv. What more could anyone ask??
