
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day

So this is the second post I have written today (the other is over at ZPO) and they are both about good old Valentine’s Day. I am wondering what percentage of blogs are writing on the topic today. I would say most. It doesn't matter if you love it or hate it, it is hard to ignore!

I love Valentine's Day. I have always really liked it. It never made me depressed when I was alone, I didn't really care. My mom always had us candy, I would go out with a group of girls, it was just a holiday I liked. (Expect for that one when my sorta boyfriend decided he wanted to be someone else’s sorta boyfriend on Valentine's Day...that one stung a bit...)

Today is actually the eight year anniversary of mine and Nicks very first date. We had worked together for a couple of years and had made plans to spend the old V-day together because we were both single. This was really a large plot by me because I had the HUGE crush on him over the previous six months. As the day grew closer, I kept talking about our date. Amazingly enough, my plot actually worked and by the time we went out, it was a real date! AMAZING. It took us about three months to decide we were really going to date. This may seem like a long time to normal people, but we are the couple that had our first kiss on 4th of July the year before (we like holidays I guess), our first date on February 14th, became a real couple on May 8th...then dated seven years before getting married. We like to take things slow!

This post is getting away from me....I am really rambling now...oh well. Here is what I was going to tell you all. This is when I knew Nick and I were going to be together forever. The old V-day with the sorta boyfriend fiasco was a bad one. I was working with Nick and I was ranting (who me, rant??) about how easy it should be to be a good boyfriend. I don't ask for much, just no cheating, maybe a slow dance to "crazy love" and three yellow roses. Is that hard? So on our first Valentine’s Day as a couple I got three yellow roses. A couple of weeks later I got nine dried yellow roses. He couldn't find a place that sold them individually, so he bought the dozen to give me my three. I couldn't believe he remembered the conversation from two years before. That he knew me so well, that he would buy the twelve to give me what I really wanted. The dance happened too, but not on Valentine's Day, so I guess that is another story.

Anyways, enough with all the love talk. I have to get back to work!! Work is better. I told the GM, it was too much for me and she totally agreed. Things have calmed down until Tarps return! Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day!

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