
Friday, February 16, 2007

Video Games

So, I have to say that I honestly thought I was never going to be a big video game player. I mean, sure, I loved Mario one, two and three back in the day. I could rock Tetris with the best of them, but video games had moved past me. They were too hard. I hated them as soon as you could go in all directions. I am totally a moving to the right and jumping over bad guy’s kind of girl. So, imagine my surprise to have found myself COMPLETELY ADDICTED TO VIDEO GAMES.

Let me back this story up a little bit. Nicks wedding present from his brother was a Nintendo DS. I was all like, how is that a wedding present? But whatever. It was really nice and Nick loved it. bla bla bla. He gave him Mario Cart, and I am a racing fan, so I played...and played and played and played. Then on our honeymoon Nick (being the hopeless romantic that he is) gave me my own pink DS, along with the Big Brain Academy game and Tetris for my birthday. A video game junkie was reborn. These are the old kind of games!! My kind of games! Boo and Chris got me Yoshi's World for Christmas and I could not put it down. I am a little embarrassed to say it, but I even took it to work and would play it for my 15 minute breaks. I couldn't lay down to sleep, I needed to beat one more level...

At Christmas another type of game entered my life. After some serious searching and one foot race the day after Thanksgiving, I was able to give Nick a Nintendo Wii for Christmas. Yet again, I really thought this was just for him. Not my cup of tea.

Have you all played this thing? It is so great!!! Nick and I were actually just playing it (hence the idea for this post) and I was all out of breath and I might even be sore tomorrow (I must put in some tennis practice. I suck bad). The weeks after Christmas my body literally ached (is it sad that I get all of my exercise from a video game??) It is just a strange place to be. No longer do I sit and read while Nick plays his games. Now we play together. Now I beg him to play just one more round. Oh how times tides have turned...but I love it.

***isn't it is a picture of Nick and I battling it out at Mario Cart***

***for real romantic, I forgot to tell you all what Nick got me for V-day. He made this entire book of our honeymoon. It is the same type of book that we used as our Guest book at the wedding, but that was just pictures. This one he wrote all about our trip. The first page has the dedication "to my wife". It was so much work, and it is truly amazing. I love it!***


  1. I CAN'T wait to see the book! Bring it to ZPO next weekend! He is so sweet! The DS is an awesome invention (of course Chris and I had to get one too!) because it fits easily in your purse so you have something to do besides read old magizines and sing inside your head when you waiting for an appointmen, in a long line the bank, etc! It's the coolest!! :)

  2. You two just look so cute and comfy on your couch, playing games. Ain't married life great?

  3. Why thank you! I have to say that I am really loving the married life!

  4. Don't cheat yourself... those are suppose to be 20 min breaks
