
Saturday, March 17, 2007


So something really exciting has happened in my blog life...someone has written on their blog about my blog! Jenn over at informal critique has not only mentioned my blog, but done an entire post about it! She is really great and has good advice about blogs and blog she donates her hair to locks of love, and seeing as how I am now all about locks of love, I think this is great! Anyways, I am really amazed that she liked good old Bio-Girl enough to tell everyone about it. It is exciting to realize you really have other people reading and interested in your daily ramblings besides your friends and family (please don't leave friends and and Jenn make up just about my entire fan base!)

So... now that she has linked to me, I feel the need to say something really funny and entertaining....hmmmm...*blush*...getting a little bashful. Okay, the truth is that I am never bashful, but I am sometimes just a touch boring. Doesn't that make you all want to blogroll me right away?? I knew it!

This weekend Nick and his Dad are working on the addition. How lucky am I that they are building a new room on my house all by themselves! Here is a pic of them hard at work.

See that wall? that wall rocks. That wall will be under my new soaking tub in my new master bathroom...right beside my walk-in closet. I can't wait!

Besides that I am planning on going over to my best friends for St. Patrick's Day dinner and some NCAA basketball tonight. Should be a good time. I was so excited UK won last night. I have them winning it all on my I need them to keep it up! Yes everyone called me a fool, but how bad are they going to feel about not supporting their team when they win?

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