
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

It's About Time

Nick and I have been trying to avoid something for a while now...maybe a while is not the right term...lets say nearly forever. When I sat down to write this post I starting thinking about the last time either one of us had a car payment. hmm....Nick is easy. Never. That's right folks, Nick has never made a car payment in his life. He has had two older vehicles and both were payed for on the spot. Now far as I can remember it was the Jeep. That was 2001. Seriously. So, today was a big day. After work we headed to the bank. No problems there. We are actually able to spend more than we thought for a lower payment than we planned...can't beat that!

I am sad to say that it looks like the first new(to us) car will actually be a truck. The plan has always been to get me a car and Nick to drive the Buick (old Blue) that my parents were nice enough to give us. We would still have Nick's truck in this plan, but it was really just for the addition and what not. No longer really drivable on a daily basis. Well, this weekend the truck rolled over and screamed for mercy. There is simply no way to fix it. There is to much wrong. With the addition, we MUST have a the new truck will be Nicks. Looks like I will be tooling around in old Blue for the driving a very large, very beat up old lazy boy...I think I can handle it. Anyways, now we just have to find the truck. Dad is helping out, so I hope to have a picture of our new ride up here soon!

After we got done with the bank I managed to whip up a very delicious and healthy dinner (they are still good for you if you cover vegetables in butter and sugar, right??) and then we planted all of our flowers in the front yard. You gotta love the longer spring days!

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