
Saturday, April 28, 2007

She's Gone

We knew the time was coming, but it is now official...Bessy the Honda is gone. Nick's mom and step dad came in today and took her back home. We really cannot even think of complaining about this. They were SO nice to lend us the car, and to be totally honest, we kept it too long that it really felt like it was mine, which is what sucks about it. But now that Nick has his promotion and everything it is time for us to take on our own car now it looks like I will be driving Old Blue.

On top of that, we don't have the truck yet. This means we are down to one car. Very depressing. We can do the car pool thing, but it sucks for Nick. He can't get overtime at his job and once I drop him off, work, take my hour lunch, then come to get him, it makes a really long day. I am seriously considering taking my bike to work. Seriously. I have talked about this for a while now and people see to think it's funny, but I REALLY think I can do it. How environmentally friendly would it be of me?? Plus a workout! Win Win. I will let you all know if I give it a go. I would bum a ride off Tarp...but he is riding the bus these days and I really don't think he can talk the driver into swinging by my house.

Besides the car thing we have had a good day....breakfast with the girls at Charings this morning...a really nice lunch with the in-laws...lots of yard work...clean house....I must say I am feeling pretty productive! I even worked in a little time for the NFL draft. Not to bad at all!

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