
Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Apparently I am totally addicted to my computer. Seriously. I had no idea how bad it was...but I am telling you, it's bad. Nick was working on the addition on Saturday. He was in the process of sawing threw our stone exterior when he noticed a cable line right in his way. There was nothing he could do...he cut it. It was my broadband. I have really not been myself since.

I was okay for the first day...It was my little sisters birthday party, we had things going on, no time for the computer anyways. It was Sunday morning that it hit me. There I was, coffee in hand, and no email! We somehow let time get away from us that night, and before we knew it, it was six pm...everything was closed. Monday email, no blogs, no Myspace, no bank account...I thought I was going to have a panic attack. We went out with the family for Missy's birthday right after work, so there was no fixing it then either. Nick is heading to New York for a week tomorrow and I really think I would have gone to stay with Charing had he not had it fixed before he left. No need. Today after work I got my computer back. Hello my beautiful Internet...oh, how I have missed you! I promise we will never be apart this long again.

Now, as a reason I was wanting my Internet back so bad was that I was waiting on this blog review. I had signed up for it AGES ago, and I knew it was my turn. I was really looking forward to it....I read their reviews and pretty much agree with them, so I was really interested to see what they had to say. They rank you from one to ten. I was hoping for a six....okay, I was hoping for a perfect 10, but I knew I would be happy with a six. Better than average, right??

Well...I didn't get a six. Let me explain before I reveal my score. Apparently, clearly unknown to me, my bubbles are completely retina burning. Damn. Here I was thinking they were all cute and beaker like. They hurt the reviewers eyes so bad she straight up refused to read it. Ouch. So....I am thinking this is not so great. I am a little frustrated that she really didn't read anything I have written, but in her defence she said she would come back and re-review my blog once I have a template that doesn't make her sick.

I have been giving all of this some thought and decided to rework to old template. At first I was all like " I LOVE my template...How DARE you!!!" Then I remembered that I signed up for this...and that I usually agree with them. Then Nick looked at it (he is not a reader of the old blog) and said "It's a little loud". Humph. I don't want the way my site looks to take away from people wanting to read it. I REALLY don't want it making people feel seasick. So I am toning it down. Keep an eye out for a new look over then next couple of days!

***You really want to see the review don't you? I got a three. Here it is***


  1. I can totally relate. I'm an addict too with a capital "A". I'd just die if my broadband line got cut. Wouldn't know what to do with myself.

  2. I LOVE your bubbles but I'll support any changes you make. I have to say that you are NOT a 3!!!! :)

  3. I think someone paid a little too much attention to the bubbles...I like them and they don't make me computer monitor is wiggley that hurts but not bubbles:-)

  4. Oooh, I share your addiction to Internet! Glad it's back on!
    And, for the record, your bubbles don't hurt. They are cute! That woman must have seriously sensitive eyes. If it was me, I'd give you 9! :)

  5. Oh, and, you've been tagged! :)

  6. Addict here as well. The storms yesterday afternoon had me bored out of my mind with no internet or TV. Heavens, I actually had to read.

    speaking of reading, the circles are a tad distracting. while they did not affect me like your reviewer, they do draw your eyes away from your writing, which is pretty darn good so far.

  7. I vote to keep the bubbles!

  8. I love your bubbles. I think they are very clever. And you are always a 10.

