
Saturday, June 16, 2007

Day o' Fun

I went to the lake yesterday! I haven't been to the lake in a long time, but Nicks aunt and cousin were in from South Carolina, and since I was off work and so was Candice, we headed up for a day o' fun with the family. They talked about getting a pontoon boat (which I thought was a fabulous idea) but instead we went with ...canoes. Really? Me canoe?? That's right folks.

We went to get our boats and the old man at the place really didn't seem to think we could handle it. He told us several times how hard it is, how unstable the boats are, how we MUST wear our life jackets. I was really not into the life jacket. I mean, I can swim! It isn't like we are moving that fast here. I truly doubt I would be knocked unconscious and would sink so fast nobody could help me. Plus, I had been so cleaver to wear my strapless bathing suit to get a nice tan! This plan did not include life jacket lines, but after his crazy talk I finally agreed. At one point someone ever said, "yea, we KNOW they can flip" and he yelled "THAT'S RIGHT!!!!" . What the heck? Does this man have, like hundreds of wreckless canoe people out there or something?

NEVER did it seem like the boat might tip. Never did I feel completely out of control. You know what I did feel? A hot burning in my upper arms that has not been there since the days of the gym (for those like two months I actually went to the gym when I thought I was turning my life around...I bought a four year membership...for the deal...I hate that place). I will say that it was nicer than I thought. It was so pretty, and soothing...except for when Candice kept telling me to just not paddle at all because I was just making the boat turn. Okay...I will just sit back and give my weak little arms a rest then. I am thinking that since she never stopped paddling she might have the burning in her arms this morning too.

We canoed around for about an hour and a half, then decided we were ready for some sun. There was a pool right down from where we got the boats, and you know what the pool had?? The pool had a rockin' water slide! That's right people. It was like our own private water least for me and fourteen year old Kelsey (who is turning into a complete hottie and is signing a modeling contract and going to be spending her summers overseas or in New York doing modeling and cool, right?) Anyway...I think I might have climbed the steps of the slide about ten thousand times. I did lay out for a bit, but that freakin slide was really fun! I am a dork. I should get out more. You know why?? Because I know have the burning upper thighs to mach my burning know, from the stairs. When I woke up this morning I was like, what the hell is wrong with me...I am so...SORE! Then I remembered...the day o' fun. I am so old.

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