
Monday, June 18, 2007

Weekend Updates

Nick is coming back home from New York tonight at midnight. I am really so excited. After a couple of days of getting to control the TV and dinner selections I just get really bored and a little lonely. I have managed to fill a large portion of my time from this trip by starting the process of rereading the entire Harry Potter series. Don't laugh. If you are not a rereader, then you have no idea what you are missing!

Now, I have mentioned my obsession with good old HP on here before, but I am not sure you all can truly ever understand the love. I have a t-shirt....and a hat, and scarf and gloves...and all the books, both British and American. I have read them all several between three and maybe eight times depending on the book. I know on some level this should be embarrassing...maybe I am just to far in to see that this might be a little strange for a twenty seven year old...oh well. I am actually finished with the first two books, and am now taking a break to read's What Will Happen in Harry Potter 7 is awesome! It has totally convinced me that Snape is indeed still good. Worth reading if you are a huge HP fan.

Anyway, besides HP I have managed to fill my weekend with friends and family. Saturday I got to hang out with some of my favorite people in the world....
Between this one...

and this one, I pretty much had it made! I spent some time with the boys (oh yea, and Charing and the family too! It was awesome) before my sister in law Candice and I headed to a wedding reception....a wedding reception where instead of a champagne toast they passed around straight shots of Tequila...I seem to have a real drunken wedding streak going on this summer. Something to be proud of!

Then again when the bride is drinking out of this you know I was not alone!!
Sunday I spent with my Dad for good old Fathers Day. We grilled out stakes and just hung out with family. I did feel a little ill after dinner and decided to lay down for a quick nap. About two hours later I got up very surprised to have slept so long...I just realized as I typed it that this could have had something to do with the Tequila...hmm. Now I am back to the regular week and just sitting around excited for Nick to get home!

***My sister Boo is in the thick of her IVF process. She actually had her eggs implanted today, so keep all your fingers and toes crossed for her!! ***

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