
Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Well, I have finished the very last Harry Potter. What's that? You all are a little (lot) tired of hearing all about good old HP? Well, this should be the last post about him for some time....okay, I don't really know if that is true, but I assume what with me now knowing the entire story, I will be able to let the subject lie until the next movie comes out. Now, I know how people what are reading it are totally avoiding spoilers, and I promise you wont find any here...I am totally right there with you. So much so that I really have not been on the computer at all since it came out (okay, the other reason for this is that in absolutely all of my free time I was reading away), but if you don't want to be swayed by my general opinions of the book, then go ahead and skip to the next paragraph...Okay, all you who aren't done with it gone... I loved it. I think it is the best book of them all, but then again, a book with all the answers is pretty much always the best book in a series. The characters who died broke my heart. I thought the end...where it all went down, was amazing. The epilogue was to short for me, but then again, how much would it have taken to really satisfy me...*Sigh* I am just a little sad it is now all over...

Anyway, back to the real world. One thing that slowed down my reading a bit was the fact that Nick's dad got married on Saturday. All in all it was a nice wedding. The weather was perfect. The wedding was outside at their new house, and it was a small group of just family. Lisa's side of the family was WAY larger than ours, which isn't really hard to see being that there was a total of four of us, but the entire group was less than thirty. Nick and I stood up during the ceremony with Dale ( had a bouquet and everything!). It was very sweet and simple. The wedding was at 10:30 in the morning, then some people went to swim (I read my HP) then we all went back to the house for a large cookout. A cookout that included some serious Karaoke. I never thought I would see the day that Dale sang Karaoke, but I was wrong...It. Was. Awesome. Nick, Candice and I refrained from ever taking the mic, but it is always a joy to watch intoxicated people sing...

Sunday I was able to pull myself away from the book long enough to have an amazing dinner with the Kelsey's. Scott made his famous fried eggplant and his equally famous Margarita's...oh the love. Besides that, the weekend was dedicated to Harry. Now it is time to stop ignoring my house and my husband and get back to normal life...Hope everyone else who is reading the book enjoys it!

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