
Saturday, July 28, 2007

House Guest

Nick's cousin Matt is in town this weekend from South Carolina. That means that my house is seriously top notch clean. I love having people come stay because it really makes you clean out every inch of your home...does it not do that to you? Well, it might not do that to me either, but it definitely does that to Nick. We were due for a really good spring cleaning (it is only July...not that late) so it worked out for everyone. Anyway, the house looks great.

It is always strange to have people stay in your home. We so love when Matt is here...he usually comes to see us a few times a year. It is just funny how when you wake up in the morning and look over and notice the bedroom door is closed and you think, " Oh, yea...someone is here.". You get up to pee in the middle of the night and you tip toe down the hall so as to not bother you make sure you have on some form of sleeping pants. Your husband cooks a delicious breakfast of bacon and home made waffles...and you eat it at the kitchen table! And even now as I sit here I can hear the two of them playing "Call of Duty" on the Wii. It is like Nick now has a new live in best friend. I can't complain. Before that Matt and I sat there and talked all about every movie either one of us has seen this summer ( and he allowed me to go on and on about the joy that is Harry Potter) while Nick was in the shower...the he showed us some great videos on the computer...and a picture of Heath Ledger as the Joker for the new batman movie (seriously creepy)...yep, we are enjoying his visit.

I do kind of wonder if he is ever going to come back to see us time he was here and we had him help us move Missy...another time we put him to work in the house. This time...oh this is so wrong to do to him on his vacation....we are sending him to help Nick, Scott and Cory move a piano...then go over to home depot and pick up our new bath tub. I am pretty sure we are abusing him, but I guess he doesn't mind...he does keep coming back!

1 comment:

  1. :)
    Your post made me giggle,as my partner and I are EXACTLY the same when we have guests over... :) hehe
