
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Still Alive!

With all my bad luck lately I am sure you guys are a little worried about me but I'm still here! With all the computer drama I just haven't had a chance to get a post up lately. We do have a new computer on the way, we finally got the insurance claim done (Thank God!!) . Nick has actually really enjoyed me being off the computer this last week but I'm having some serious withdrawal! Looks like the new one should be here sometime next week. Damn the custom made computers, I didn't know they took this long!!

I've had a relatively packed weekend. The annual yard sale was a booming success but the 4:30am call time was extremely painful...especially considering I had to go to work for A full day at 9:00. No complaints here though because I'll take all that money for my old junk any time! After cleaning up from the yard sale we went out for Candice's birthday day. Good times were had, too many Mojitos were drank, not my best today at work...speaking of work I need to get back to it. I promise to get back to posting regularly when I get my new computer!

***By the way, I realized when the computer was fried I lost all my work on the new depressing! *sigh*...***

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