
Tuesday, September 4, 2007


I bet you all though it would be totally impossible for me to ever keep a secret, right?? WRONG! I have know, for like ages, that my sweet and perfect best friend Charing was having a HUGE surprise birthday party in New York City, and I have managed to talk to her every day, then pack, take one of her cars (that's right) and head up there without ever slipping up once! I am so proud I could die.

So, that's right. Over the long weekend, Boo, Missy, Candice and I all jumped into the car and headed up to the city to be apart of the big 40th birthday surprise blowout. The trip was amazing. Seriously, amazing. Charing has an incredible family. They were so wonderful to us, and welcomed us in. They even let us take Charing and Scott away from them for a couple of hours to show us around the city. We know they so rarely get to see them, and it really meant so much to us!

Anyway, there were tons of drinking, dancing and partying. Her birthday was a blast, the city was a blast, the cookout/birthday for her niece was a blast....We just had an amazing trip. I will get tons of pictures and details up on ZPO once I get everyones pictures (for real, I really will get it done! We have tons of great pics we want everyone to see and so many stories to tell!). Here are just a couple of pictures from my camera.
Me with the birthday girl on the Staten Island Ferry
The ZPO's who were able to make the trip at Battery Park
Me...clearly in Time Square
The sisters at the big 40th birthday bash!


  1. Oh my god you guys were the biggest surprise of all. Love you lots for making the trip.

  2. NYC was awesome! The Kelsey family is GREAT! We had such a good time! I can't wait to go back.

  3. NYC was awesome! The Kelsey family is GREAT! We had such a good time! I can't wait to go back.

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  5. just deleted a spam comment here...don't want you all to think you missed something!
