
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

All in the Family

Okay, I am working on the picture post from DC. I actually have been sitting at my computer for an hour loading pictures onto it, and now blogger has decided it is taking no more pictures from me tonight. Looks like you all will have to wait one more day to see the amazing sights that are Washington DC. I just thought I would give a quick post to hold you over until I am done! Anybody who reads my blog regularly has picked up on the fact that I have a family that loves to talk and loves to share. Two of my aunts, one cousin and my sister have all been blogging with me over the past year. We are now adding two new family members to the blogging world! Go over and take a look at what my Aunt has to say at A Clay Pot 4 Him then drop by my cousin Ariel's blog, Views from the Fish Bowl and tell her hi! We all know it is nice to have comments and feel like there are people out there reading what we have to say, so go and show my family some love! They are both great writers (um, of course they are, they are in my family!) and worth reading. That's it for today, but I will try to get the pic's up tomorrow!


  1. I must agree with my mother. Thanks for the shout outs! I love reading your and our family's blogs.
