
Monday, October 15, 2007

Back Home!

Well, we got back into town from DC late last night. We had such an amazing trip! I have so many pictures that I want to share with you all, but that will have to wait for tomorrow...I will tell you all now that everyone should at some point go and see Washington DC. As many times as I have seen all the monuments and buildings on TV and in movies, it is just so much more amazing in person. The Vietnam Wall is one of the most moving things I have ever seen in my life. Do you all realize how HUGE the Lincoln Memorial actually is? Well, let me tell you, it is GIGANTIC! So large in fact that Missy pointed out that in order for her dream to come true and her to be able to sit on his lap, Nick would have to give her a boost up to the bottom of his feet, then she would have to pull Nick up to give her a second boost onto his lap. He is huge. So is the Washington Monument...and Arlington Cemetery for that matter....anyway, I will have pictures up for you all with my commentary from the trip in the next day or so. I just wanted to let you know that we are home, and we all five had an amazing weekend!

**By the way, did you all see that UK vs. LSU game?? We ended up eating at a sports bar in Chinatown Saturday night and watching the game. IT. WAS. AWESOME. When we sat down it was the third quarter. Nobody was paying any attention to the TV except us. By the end of game we had the ENTIRE bar cheering along with us. It was great!**


  1. glad you all had such a great time

    **A sports bar in Chinatown?????

  2. Yea...we were on the edge of Chinatown, but still most definently in Chinatown...Like it's name was in english and in Chinese characters...There was also a Ruby Tuesdays...odd

  3. I can't wait to see all your pictures and hear more details. This is on our list of places to visit after retirement!!

  4. I do, I do want to go...Ariel and Meg have been...they enjoyed it, too. Will you be posting your photos on your MySpace?
