
Monday, October 29, 2007

Wild Weekend

What a weekend. Between my Birthday, the Halloween Party and Nick's brother being in town from Florida, it was been packed with things to keep me entertained. I also worked, but that doesn't got on the list of fun things I got to be doing...anyway, the birthday dinner was wonderful. If you have not had a chance to go to PF Changs yet, I totally recommend it. I also recommend you bring your eleven closest friends and then order basically everything on the menu between you. This will insure you are able to try all of the delicious food! Also, go on your birthday. They will give you free chocolate cake that is to die for.

After dinner Nick and and I went to the mall where he bought me an adorable new winter coat for my birthday. This is a big score seeing as how my old coat kind of made me look like the abominable snowman....a kind of dingy abominable snowman at that because I have worn the coat the last two years. The new coat is Calvin Klein and a very non-abominable shade of charcoal grey. Love it! After shopping, we went to the movies to see Dan in Real Life. We both really liked the movie, but were a little taken aback by the theater we went to see it in. They didn't seat the movie until five minutes before it started...and they let me stand in line to get popcorn (with about 15 other people) for a good ten minutes before they looked at all of us with a puzzled look and said, "This line is closed". They then just walked away. Thanks buddy.

Saturday night we went to Boo, Chris and Missy's Halloween Party. This party will get it's own post with pictures, most likely tomorrow. Be prepared to be amazed with the Tetris costumes. the were incredible! (and only a little uncomfortable...)

Yesterday Nick and I slept in until noon (told you it was a good party) then I had to work for a few hours. After that, Nick's brother Chris came over to hang out for a while, then we went out to dinner with the family. Chris and his girlfriend are in town for a few days, then they are heading out to Belgium for a week. They are in this band that has gotten a huge cult following over in Europe. Amazingly enough, said following has gotten so large that they were contacted by this music festival in Belgium to come and play some shows. They are flying them out, putting them up in a hotel, getting them a driver...I am completely in awe. When Chris told us he was going to join a band I totally thought he was kidding. When he said he played "electronics", and instrument that he invented, I really thought he was joking....and now he gets a totally free trip to Belgium...who's laughing now...

So, that was my weekend. The birthday festivities are rolling in to this week as well. Tonight we went out to dinner with my perfect family. We were going to eat at a local Italian place, but we got there and they were closed on Mondays. Who ever heard of that? We ended up at a steak house, which was rockin'. I got lots of great gifts, including a MUCH NEEDED beautiful new digital camera. So exciting. Tomorrow night we are going out to dinner with Nick's mom and step dad for the old birthday as well...this is turning in to the longest birthday celebration ever....which is basically awesome.

1 comment:

  1. But did you try the Kung Pao shrimp?

    Sounds like you had a great weekend! Can't wait to see the pictures. Liz said the Tetris costume was great.
