You know what really sucks? Trying to get pregnant while having the good old endometriosis. It sucks even more to realize you are suppose to start on Thanksgiving, and thinking, "Aw...Thanksgiving miracle! We will totally be pregnant this month!!" Then you take a test on Thanksgiving and it is negative. Your heart breaks a little, but you move on. Two days later, before going shopping you take a second test, you know...because you don't want to go and buy all new clothes just to find out you should have gotten maternity. Alas, it is also negative, which was fine. You knew it would be, but just had to check.
Now, this is when it really starts to suck. Days continue to tick by, and you start to really think maybe the tests were wrong. It happens. Maybe your hormone levels just were not high enough, after five more days with no sign of starting on the horizon you take YET ANOTHER test. Negative. This one is heart breaking. You really had thought it was going to be positive. You have never been this here we are at day 36. THIRTY SIX PEOPLE. No pregnancy. No period. Awesome.
The very very shinny silver lining is that we found out yesterday that starting tomorrow my company is offering short term disability. This will give me paid maternity leave (as well as $2000 for a three day hospital stay), which is incredible. Had I already been pregnant, it would have been a preexisting condition, and would not have been covered. I know it is better to wait and have this. It is a HUGE blessing. We were not sure how we were going to have me off work for six weeks without pay, plus now I don't have to hoard all my vacation time and can actually take days off and go to Florida with my family. But for now, this day, that is hard to focus on. We were just really sure it was time. Three negative tests and still no signs of starting in one month is just a little hard on my heart...but I am really excited about the silver lining.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Christmas Decor
I told you I would post pictures of my tree and all my mad decorating skills. I know that this unfulfilled promise has been keeping you up at night, so here you go!

Please also make note of the hand in Nick's stocking and the foot in mine. When I protested, Nick insisted it was tradition.
Wait, this can still count as a Christmas decor picture. See the cute little snowman hanging by the vent and the moose on top of the curtain rod! Yes...I do have a moose on top of my curtain rod...also a penguin on the other side...for balance!
Please make note of the actual WRAPPED presents under the tree. I am so proud of myself...
Here is one of my sweet husband putting the star on the top of the tree. Now, doesn't it feel like Christmas time!
Our tree looks wonderful and festive from outside our house. To bad we have the tackiest neighbors in the history of time and their horrendous overdecorating completely out shines our sweet little tree from the road. Oh well...if I can sneak a picture of their yard in all it's glory I will definitely post that picture as well!
**as a total side note, but still in the theme of a picture post...Nick and I installed a new ceiling fan! Yes readers, you read that right. we did it all by ourselves. I know Nick does that stuff all the time, but this time I for real helped. I am (once again) not smart enough to take a before picture, but here is a shot of the new fan.
Wait, this can still count as a Christmas decor picture. See the cute little snowman hanging by the vent and the moose on top of the curtain rod! Yes...I do have a moose on top of my curtain rod...also a penguin on the other side...for balance!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I seem to be drawn to these memes....I just can't help myself! Maybe it is because it is an easy post, maybe it is because I really enjoy reading them and finding stuff out about bloggers...who knows. What I do know is that I was going to skip this one, but then just couldn't seem to let myself! So, without further ramblings, a new meme from Mrs. Who!
Q. What is your salad dressing choice?
A. Ranch and French mixed together. You all say Eww...until you try it!
Q. What is your favorite Fast Food Restaurant?
A. McDonald's. Classic.
Q. What is your favorite sit down restaurant?
A. Well, if we are going for nice I would say Dudley's, but as a more common one, gotta go with Outback
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. Always, always, always 20%. Sometimes more if the service was great.
Q. What food could you eat for two weeks and not get sick of?
A. Gravy and Biscuits
Q. What is your favorite type of gum?
A. Bubble Gum
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A. A picture of Arlington Cemetery
Q. How many televisions are in your house?
A. Three
Q. What’s your best feature?
A. Maybe my eyes...I like them...
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. Tonsils, Adenoids, extra gum, tons and tons of endometriosis, cysts...yeah, just a few things!
Q. Which of your five senses do you think is keenest?
A. Touch
Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
A. A few months ago I had a small one
Q. What is the heaviest thing you’ve lifted?
A. Our couch, which I dropped on Nick. I did tell him I thought it was to heavy for me!
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. Yea, I think I was knocked out in a car crash when I was little...
Q. If it were possible would you want to know the day you are going to die?
A. No way.
Q. Is love for real?
A. Of course
Q. If you would change your first name what would you change it to?
A. Not sure, but something with a cool nickname
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. Brown
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A. I am sure I have. I am a fool.
Q. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
A. Not to my knowledge.
Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. Not that I can think of in the conventional pull me out of a burning building sense...
Q. Would you walk naked for a half a mile down a public street for $100,000?
A. Oh yes. If anybody laughed I would just call them suckers for not taking the money too!
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A. Sure
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A. No way in hell
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000.00?
A. Oh yeah.
Q. Would you pose nude in a magazine for $250,000.00?
A. NO, I don't think so. Pictures last forever and I would not want to regret it later.
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000?
A. Sure.
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment take a human life for $1,000,000.00?
A. No I would never do that. Hired Hit man doesn't suit me.
Q. Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000.00?
A. sad to say, but I don't think I would.
Q. Give up myspace for $30,000.00?
A. Yeah, I like it, but not THAT much!
Q. What is in your left pocket?
A. cell phone
Q. Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A. It is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen!
Q. Do you have hardwood floors or carpet in your house?
A. Both
Q. Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A. Stand. Who sits in the shower??
Q. Could you live with roommates?
A. Yeah, but I hope I never have to!
Q. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own?
A. maybe four.
Q. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A. Well, I had that ticket, and the other ticket...but I have never had would I would consider a real "Run in with the cops".
Q. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A. a mom
Q. Last friend you talked to?
A. Tarp and Justin
Q. Last person you called?
A. Charing
Q. First place you went this morning?
A. Work
Q. What can you not wait to do?
A. Short term, each lunch. Long term, be pregnant.
Q. What’s the last movie you saw?
A. The new Futurama movie! We got it yesterday and to say it was a big day in our house is a huge understatement!! We LOVED it!
Q. Are you a friendly person?
A. Yeah, I think I am!
Q. What is your salad dressing choice?
A. Ranch and French mixed together. You all say Eww...until you try it!
Q. What is your favorite Fast Food Restaurant?
A. McDonald's. Classic.
Q. What is your favorite sit down restaurant?
A. Well, if we are going for nice I would say Dudley's, but as a more common one, gotta go with Outback
Q. On average, what size tip do you leave at a restaurant?
A. Always, always, always 20%. Sometimes more if the service was great.
Q. What food could you eat for two weeks and not get sick of?
A. Gravy and Biscuits
Q. What is your favorite type of gum?
A. Bubble Gum
Q. What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A. A picture of Arlington Cemetery
Q. How many televisions are in your house?
A. Three
Q. What’s your best feature?
A. Maybe my eyes...I like them...
Q. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A. Tonsils, Adenoids, extra gum, tons and tons of endometriosis, cysts...yeah, just a few things!
Q. Which of your five senses do you think is keenest?
A. Touch
Q. When was the last time you had a cavity?
A. A few months ago I had a small one
Q. What is the heaviest thing you’ve lifted?
A. Our couch, which I dropped on Nick. I did tell him I thought it was to heavy for me!
Q. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
A. Yea, I think I was knocked out in a car crash when I was little...
Q. If it were possible would you want to know the day you are going to die?
A. No way.
Q. Is love for real?
A. Of course
Q. If you would change your first name what would you change it to?
A. Not sure, but something with a cool nickname
Q. What color do you think looks best on you?
A. Brown
Q. Have you ever swallowed a non-food item by mistake?
A. I am sure I have. I am a fool.
Q. Have you ever saved someone’s life?
A. Not to my knowledge.
Q. Has someone ever saved yours?
A. Not that I can think of in the conventional pull me out of a burning building sense...
Q. Would you walk naked for a half a mile down a public street for $100,000?
A. Oh yes. If anybody laughed I would just call them suckers for not taking the money too!
Q. Would you kiss a member of the same sex for $100?
A. Sure
Q. Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200,000?
A. No way in hell
Q. Would you never blog again for $50,000.00?
A. Oh yeah.
Q. Would you pose nude in a magazine for $250,000.00?
A. NO, I don't think so. Pictures last forever and I would not want to regret it later.
Q. Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1,000?
A. Sure.
Q. Would you, without fear of punishment take a human life for $1,000,000.00?
A. No I would never do that. Hired Hit man doesn't suit me.
Q. Would you give up watching television for a year for $25,000.00?
A. sad to say, but I don't think I would.
Q. Give up myspace for $30,000.00?
A. Yeah, I like it, but not THAT much!
Q. What is in your left pocket?
A. cell phone
Q. Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A. It is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen!
Q. Do you have hardwood floors or carpet in your house?
A. Both
Q. Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A. Stand. Who sits in the shower??
Q. Could you live with roommates?
A. Yeah, but I hope I never have to!
Q. How many pairs of flip-flops do you own?
A. maybe four.
Q. Last time you had a run-in with the cops?
A. Well, I had that ticket, and the other ticket...but I have never had would I would consider a real "Run in with the cops".
Q. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A. a mom
Q. Last friend you talked to?
A. Tarp and Justin
Q. Last person you called?
A. Charing
Q. First place you went this morning?
A. Work
Q. What can you not wait to do?
A. Short term, each lunch. Long term, be pregnant.
Q. What’s the last movie you saw?
A. The new Futurama movie! We got it yesterday and to say it was a big day in our house is a huge understatement!! We LOVED it!
Q. Are you a friendly person?
A. Yeah, I think I am!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Five Day Weekend
I cannot believe (or maybe just cannot accept) that my five day weekend is over...I thought the break would have me totally revitalized and ready to work. In reality, the break made me dream of a day that I could stay home, cook, clean, know, take care of everything as my full time job! Will that day ever come, maybe at retirement, but a girl can still dream!
Anyway, I clearly enjoyed my five day weekend. We stayed the night with Nick's mom on Wednesday night, and that was wonderful. Do you ever have a house that when you get there, you just feel like you should sleep over? I can't think of any other place that has been this way for me, but that is how I always feel at Nick's mom's house. I think it is because back in 2000 they moved away from our home town. From then on, whenever we went to see them, we stayed. Sometimes a week, sometimes a few days, but we always were on a mini vacation. This has led to a wonderful relationship between me and my in-laws. I love them. Love spending time with them, talking to them, hanging out...lucky me, right?
Thursday was classic Thanksgiving. We ate early at Sally and Ron's, then went to my parents for dinner. The food was wonderful. My mom and little sister cooked all day and made the best meal ever...while sitting around after dinner and being thankful, we looked through all the store ads. I was sure there was nothing I wanted enough to get me out on Black Friday...that was, until I saw the ad for the $199, 19" HDTV LCD with a DVD player built in....HELLO, that is an amazing deal! We NEEEEED that for the new bedroom!!
So on Friday, I somehow managed to talk Boo into going and getting in line with me at Target. Being a perfect sister, she agreed, even though she had nothing she needed to get up that early for. We got in line at five and we thought we were pretty far back. Then, over the next hour more people showed up than you could ever imagine. Seriously. It. Was. CRAZY! When they opened the door they had all the Target workers out there like security guards trying to hold back line cutters. People were yelling, and going crazy trying to get in the store. Boo took off running for electronics and I grabbed the cart. It just isn't in me to fight over a TV. It is, however totally in Boo! By the time I got to her people were going crazy and Boo was sitting on TWO TVs. She said (all Innocent) "Well, if everyone wants one this bad, maybe I need one too!". She is crazy. Friday night Nick and I got all of our Christmas decorations up. I will put some pictures of the tree on here soon. Our house is so cute and festive!
Saturday Boo, Missy and I headed out at seven am for a big day of shopping at the outlet mall in Indiana. We had a blast. I love my sisters and I love shopping, so it was basically perfect. The crowds were really not to bad, and we all got so much great stuff. I had 30 people on my list which I had not started shopping for at all. When I got home on Saturday night at midnight I was totally done with 24 people! Plus, I got TONS of new clothes for myself from my parents. So excited!! As an added bonus, I got a new Coach purse, calender, wristlet and wallet to replace all my stuff that was stolen back on 7-7-07... I heart my new bag and will also take pictures of that to show you all...
Yesterday (many, this is the post that never ends...guess that is what I get for not posting for five days...) We had Thanksgiving with Nick's dad and his family. It was also great. We haven't seen all the girls in a while, so it was fun to hang out with them all. The food was great, and it was basically the perfect end to the long weekend! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend too!
Anyway, I clearly enjoyed my five day weekend. We stayed the night with Nick's mom on Wednesday night, and that was wonderful. Do you ever have a house that when you get there, you just feel like you should sleep over? I can't think of any other place that has been this way for me, but that is how I always feel at Nick's mom's house. I think it is because back in 2000 they moved away from our home town. From then on, whenever we went to see them, we stayed. Sometimes a week, sometimes a few days, but we always were on a mini vacation. This has led to a wonderful relationship between me and my in-laws. I love them. Love spending time with them, talking to them, hanging out...lucky me, right?
Thursday was classic Thanksgiving. We ate early at Sally and Ron's, then went to my parents for dinner. The food was wonderful. My mom and little sister cooked all day and made the best meal ever...while sitting around after dinner and being thankful, we looked through all the store ads. I was sure there was nothing I wanted enough to get me out on Black Friday...that was, until I saw the ad for the $199, 19" HDTV LCD with a DVD player built in....HELLO, that is an amazing deal! We NEEEEED that for the new bedroom!!
So on Friday, I somehow managed to talk Boo into going and getting in line with me at Target. Being a perfect sister, she agreed, even though she had nothing she needed to get up that early for. We got in line at five and we thought we were pretty far back. Then, over the next hour more people showed up than you could ever imagine. Seriously. It. Was. CRAZY! When they opened the door they had all the Target workers out there like security guards trying to hold back line cutters. People were yelling, and going crazy trying to get in the store. Boo took off running for electronics and I grabbed the cart. It just isn't in me to fight over a TV. It is, however totally in Boo! By the time I got to her people were going crazy and Boo was sitting on TWO TVs. She said (all Innocent) "Well, if everyone wants one this bad, maybe I need one too!". She is crazy. Friday night Nick and I got all of our Christmas decorations up. I will put some pictures of the tree on here soon. Our house is so cute and festive!
Saturday Boo, Missy and I headed out at seven am for a big day of shopping at the outlet mall in Indiana. We had a blast. I love my sisters and I love shopping, so it was basically perfect. The crowds were really not to bad, and we all got so much great stuff. I had 30 people on my list which I had not started shopping for at all. When I got home on Saturday night at midnight I was totally done with 24 people! Plus, I got TONS of new clothes for myself from my parents. So excited!! As an added bonus, I got a new Coach purse, calender, wristlet and wallet to replace all my stuff that was stolen back on 7-7-07... I heart my new bag and will also take pictures of that to show you all...
Yesterday (many, this is the post that never ends...guess that is what I get for not posting for five days...) We had Thanksgiving with Nick's dad and his family. It was also great. We haven't seen all the girls in a while, so it was fun to hang out with them all. The food was great, and it was basically the perfect end to the long weekend! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend too!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I am off work today. I have been catching up on my DVR, having lunch with my sisters and Nick, and cooking for tomorrow. As I have been working away, completely relishing this extra day off, I have been thinking of the things that I am truly thankful for this year. I had a very sweet email from my cousin this morning saying how thankful she was for her friends, and it has just been on my mind all day. So I have been thinking, what am I thankful for?
I am thankful for Nick. I could never put into words exactly how thankful I am to have him in my life. he makes me a better person. He is so kind and giving and good. He gives with no thought of reward. He loves our families and friends. He is so understanding with my endometriosis and our baby struggles. He loves me unconditionally, and that allows me to be who I am. Yes, I am very thankful for Nick.
I am thankful for my sisters. As I had lunch with them today, it hit me how very very lucky I am to have them in my life. To be given two sisters is such a gift. The three of us have always been extremely close. Sharing in each others achievements and heart aches as if they are our own. We have grown up as one, and I cannot imagine my life without them. Yes, I am also thankful for my sisters.
I am thankful for my parents. They have always been so proud of me, and always made me believe I could do anything in this world that I want. There have never been two more supporting and loving parents. They have given all of themselves to me and my sisters. Sacrificing to give us everything they could. They have taught me to be caring of others, to be driven and strong. To always believe in myself. Yes, I am also thankful for my parents.
I am thankful for the many supportive strong women in my life. I come from a family of strong women. From my cousin, who is so near a third sister to me, to my aunts and my grandmothers, to my very best friends. I have always been taught to be a proud and outgoing adult. To never be afraid to stand up for what I believe in. To put myself out there at the risk of being hurt, but for a chance for such rewards. I have such an amazing support group in these women, that I know I will never truly fall. They are all there, with reassuring phone calls and comfort food in my times of struggle. They are there with hugs and laughter and joy in my times of triumph. I am truly never alone. Yes, I am also thankful for all of these amazing women.
I am thankful for our pets. As I sit here typing this with Sammie in my lap and Ellie at my feet, I think of how much joy they give Nick and me. How their unconditional love is so rewarding. How I would do anything to keep them safe and happy, and how they would do the same for me. Yes, I am also thankful for my pets.
I am thankful for my job. Sometimes I forget, but I so love my job. It is not often that someone finds a job that they enjoy. One that they are able to take so much pride in. I am thankful for my friends at my job, which makes every day so enjoyable. I am thankful for the money that my job provides so that Nick and I are able to have our comfortable life. Yes, I am also thankful for my job.
I am thankful for our home. It might be small, but it is ours. I love the character in these old walls. I love the warm feeling of home when I walk in the door. The wonderful yard, the wood burning fireplace, the hardwood floors. Yes, I also love our home.
And I know I am thankful for much, much more. And I know these are things that everyone might be thankful for, but sometimes it is good to list them all out, and remember. Remember the people that make you who you are. Remember then things that you hold close to your heart, and be thankful for them.
I am thankful for Nick. I could never put into words exactly how thankful I am to have him in my life. he makes me a better person. He is so kind and giving and good. He gives with no thought of reward. He loves our families and friends. He is so understanding with my endometriosis and our baby struggles. He loves me unconditionally, and that allows me to be who I am. Yes, I am very thankful for Nick.
I am thankful for my sisters. As I had lunch with them today, it hit me how very very lucky I am to have them in my life. To be given two sisters is such a gift. The three of us have always been extremely close. Sharing in each others achievements and heart aches as if they are our own. We have grown up as one, and I cannot imagine my life without them. Yes, I am also thankful for my sisters.
I am thankful for my parents. They have always been so proud of me, and always made me believe I could do anything in this world that I want. There have never been two more supporting and loving parents. They have given all of themselves to me and my sisters. Sacrificing to give us everything they could. They have taught me to be caring of others, to be driven and strong. To always believe in myself. Yes, I am also thankful for my parents.
I am thankful for the many supportive strong women in my life. I come from a family of strong women. From my cousin, who is so near a third sister to me, to my aunts and my grandmothers, to my very best friends. I have always been taught to be a proud and outgoing adult. To never be afraid to stand up for what I believe in. To put myself out there at the risk of being hurt, but for a chance for such rewards. I have such an amazing support group in these women, that I know I will never truly fall. They are all there, with reassuring phone calls and comfort food in my times of struggle. They are there with hugs and laughter and joy in my times of triumph. I am truly never alone. Yes, I am also thankful for all of these amazing women.
I am thankful for our pets. As I sit here typing this with Sammie in my lap and Ellie at my feet, I think of how much joy they give Nick and me. How their unconditional love is so rewarding. How I would do anything to keep them safe and happy, and how they would do the same for me. Yes, I am also thankful for my pets.
I am thankful for my job. Sometimes I forget, but I so love my job. It is not often that someone finds a job that they enjoy. One that they are able to take so much pride in. I am thankful for my friends at my job, which makes every day so enjoyable. I am thankful for the money that my job provides so that Nick and I are able to have our comfortable life. Yes, I am also thankful for my job.
I am thankful for our home. It might be small, but it is ours. I love the character in these old walls. I love the warm feeling of home when I walk in the door. The wonderful yard, the wood burning fireplace, the hardwood floors. Yes, I also love our home.
And I know I am thankful for much, much more. And I know these are things that everyone might be thankful for, but sometimes it is good to list them all out, and remember. Remember the people that make you who you are. Remember then things that you hold close to your heart, and be thankful for them.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
We are officially in fast forward on buying the car. We have been waiting on our car guy to find one for months now, but I have now officially had enough of bumming rides. I am fairly sure it was the pushing of the truck that put me over the edge...anyway, I have now called in the help of my dad. We didn't originally go this route because we thought it would take to long. How terribly wrong we were.
Now my dad and I are working together looking for the cars and then bidding on them at online auctions. So...that is why I am home right now. In the middle of the workday. We found a good (great) Xterra, and I am hoping in goes within our budget. I am not sure if it will...this one seems a little to good to be true, but here's hoping it works out! If not there are many many others. Looks like we should be able to get me something in the next week or two. Keep your fingers crossed for me that this one will be the one!
**The Buick is back up and running. It just needed a new battery. Lucky us!**
UPDATE** Auction just ended...didn't win. I will try again tomorrow!**
Now my dad and I are working together looking for the cars and then bidding on them at online auctions. So...that is why I am home right now. In the middle of the workday. We found a good (great) Xterra, and I am hoping in goes within our budget. I am not sure if it will...this one seems a little to good to be true, but here's hoping it works out! If not there are many many others. Looks like we should be able to get me something in the next week or two. Keep your fingers crossed for me that this one will be the one!
**The Buick is back up and running. It just needed a new battery. Lucky us!**
UPDATE** Auction just ended...didn't win. I will try again tomorrow!**
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Fool...Foolish Fool
I try, I really do, to be a normal person. A person who does not do the stupid things that always seem to find me. I am not sure how I am drawn to making these foolish mistakes, but alas, where I go, random misunderstandings seem to always follow. I think I am rolling along, blending in with the crowd, then I just drop the ball and take on the roll of complete fool. There was that time I was on vacation with my friends family, and as many times as I said I would not do anything dumb, I allowed myself to try to make pizza rolls, place them on a plastic serving tray rather than a pan (IT LOOKED LIKE A COOKIE SHEET), catch it on fire in the oven, have then entire condo fill with toxic fumes, alarms sound...entire condo COMPLEX evacuated, and (of course) have the fire department show up to give the all clear so everyone can go back to their vacation...There was that time I let (asked) my little sister to fold me up in the hide-a-bed sofa. That is a long story I have promised to eventually write up in full on the blog, but lets just say the fire department was involved again. There are many many examples...want to hear the newest addition? I knew you did!
The Buick died. I KNOW! We are down to one car and it is now not working. How completely sad is this? I am still on the hunt for the Xterra, but looks like we need to light a fire under that little search. Anyway, this post is not really about the Buick. I have accepted our car troubles and hope that Nick can get it running this weekend. The think is, I have to work this weekend. Clearly I cannot drive myself to work in the Buick(and yes I could bike it, but it is cold outside!), so I asked the GM if I could use a company car for the weekend. She said of course I could (sometimes I don't appreciate my job like I should. They are just so easy sometimes.) and gave me the keys to the Ford Ranger which she said was parked in the back.
Flash forward a couple of hours. I am the last person in the lab and it is getting dark. I decide to move the truck around to the front door. I run out, scan the fleet of white trucks with our logo on them, see the Ford and jump in. (wait for is where I let my guard down for just a second and become the fool) The keys were in the ignition which I think is strange. BUT, we have several sets of keys for all of our trucks, so I just drop my key in my purse and pull on out of the spot. The truck sounds...funny. Kind of like it is struggling to go. I pull around to the side of the building (about 50 yards from the trucks parking spot) and I decided something is most definitely wrong. I notice the truck has 489,000 miles. I knew the ranger was about to flip over to 100,000. I am totally in the wrong truck.
No big deal, right? Just put it back and get in the Ford RANGER, and not the Ford F150. Here is the thing. The F150 was back there (with keys and what not) because it broke down a month ago and we realized the transmission was totally shot. Yeah. So we just hadn't had time to decide what to do with it. We had it towed to that spot. I don't panic, I just back up a bit to turn around(red flags!! NEVER take a car that is driving with no transmission out of gear!!)...then go to put it back in drive...but I get nothing. Back to reverse...nothing. Here is the problem. I am in the most terrible position imaginable. I am blocking in ALL the cars. Not just my companies, but like four different companies cars. There is no way I can just leave it. Drive, reverse, drive reverse. NOTHING HAPPENS.
So, as it turns from dusk to night, I decide the only thing I can do is get out...and push. Like I said, it was only about 50 yards, and I really didn't want to call anyone and tell them I was such a fool. I just wanted to deal with it myself. So I did. I pushed the huge truck back to it's spot. I had to get behind it, and push with all my freaking might to get it going(Really. All. My. Might), then RUN up and push by the driver side door so I had control of the wheel....oh the heart ache every time the stupid thing stopped rolling and I had to start again...After thirty minutes of dealing with my own mistake, I was back to the original spot, but not IN the spot.
I tried so hard to cut the wheel enough to pull it gracefully in, but it was just not possible. The truck might have hit the fence, but I would rather not worry about that...finally I gave up. My entire body ached (and aches more this morning). My arms, my legs, my back! So, now the truck is all kittywompus, but it is out of the way. My dream would have been to put it back in it's home and hope nobody would notice, but I am telling you they are going to notice on Monday. Then I have to tell them I am a fool, and beg them to work out the details...but I am not pushing anymore. I am all pushed out. At least I didn't have to call the fire department!
The Buick died. I KNOW! We are down to one car and it is now not working. How completely sad is this? I am still on the hunt for the Xterra, but looks like we need to light a fire under that little search. Anyway, this post is not really about the Buick. I have accepted our car troubles and hope that Nick can get it running this weekend. The think is, I have to work this weekend. Clearly I cannot drive myself to work in the Buick(and yes I could bike it, but it is cold outside!), so I asked the GM if I could use a company car for the weekend. She said of course I could (sometimes I don't appreciate my job like I should. They are just so easy sometimes.) and gave me the keys to the Ford Ranger which she said was parked in the back.
Flash forward a couple of hours. I am the last person in the lab and it is getting dark. I decide to move the truck around to the front door. I run out, scan the fleet of white trucks with our logo on them, see the Ford and jump in. (wait for is where I let my guard down for just a second and become the fool) The keys were in the ignition which I think is strange. BUT, we have several sets of keys for all of our trucks, so I just drop my key in my purse and pull on out of the spot. The truck sounds...funny. Kind of like it is struggling to go. I pull around to the side of the building (about 50 yards from the trucks parking spot) and I decided something is most definitely wrong. I notice the truck has 489,000 miles. I knew the ranger was about to flip over to 100,000. I am totally in the wrong truck.
No big deal, right? Just put it back and get in the Ford RANGER, and not the Ford F150. Here is the thing. The F150 was back there (with keys and what not) because it broke down a month ago and we realized the transmission was totally shot. Yeah. So we just hadn't had time to decide what to do with it. We had it towed to that spot. I don't panic, I just back up a bit to turn around(red flags!! NEVER take a car that is driving with no transmission out of gear!!)...then go to put it back in drive...but I get nothing. Back to reverse...nothing. Here is the problem. I am in the most terrible position imaginable. I am blocking in ALL the cars. Not just my companies, but like four different companies cars. There is no way I can just leave it. Drive, reverse, drive reverse. NOTHING HAPPENS.
So, as it turns from dusk to night, I decide the only thing I can do is get out...and push. Like I said, it was only about 50 yards, and I really didn't want to call anyone and tell them I was such a fool. I just wanted to deal with it myself. So I did. I pushed the huge truck back to it's spot. I had to get behind it, and push with all my freaking might to get it going(Really. All. My. Might), then RUN up and push by the driver side door so I had control of the wheel....oh the heart ache every time the stupid thing stopped rolling and I had to start again...After thirty minutes of dealing with my own mistake, I was back to the original spot, but not IN the spot.
I tried so hard to cut the wheel enough to pull it gracefully in, but it was just not possible. The truck might have hit the fence, but I would rather not worry about that...finally I gave up. My entire body ached (and aches more this morning). My arms, my legs, my back! So, now the truck is all kittywompus, but it is out of the way. My dream would have been to put it back in it's home and hope nobody would notice, but I am telling you they are going to notice on Monday. Then I have to tell them I am a fool, and beg them to work out the details...but I am not pushing anymore. I am all pushed out. At least I didn't have to call the fire department!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Google Reader
I have had a long standing aversion to Google reader. To any reader really... I argued that I love to SEE the blog. I love my template (thanks Liz!) and the overall look of my blog, and I just feel like to really read it right, you need to actually be taking in the entire page. There is also my love of my site meter to take into account. I LOVE seeing how many people have visited my page. Looking at where they clicked on to get here, what part of the world they are in, it just entertains me. Plus (look at all these reasons to not like readers) I really don't like that you can't comment from them. I like comments. Actually, I LOVE comments. Anything that takes them away from me is evil...The way I see it, if I want people to come to my blog to take in the page, make a mark on the site meter, and leave lots and lots of comments, then most people would like that favor returned.
So, with my low level hatred of the cunning Google reader, imagine my own surprise that I have allowed myself to sign up, put on all my favorite blogs, and then become totally addicted to the stupid thing! I KNOW!!! I am just as amazed as you are! Allow me to explain. There are lots of blogs I would love to read every single day, but I just don't have time! It takes so long to go from blog to blog and see if they have updated. I am okay with this dedication, and enjoy it when I am working my way around the blogging world, but I have started dropping some blogs that I just don't have time to keep up with. Then there is the work issue. I just can't be on a million blogs a day at work. I usually do my blogging from home, but here I sit, each and every day looking at my laptop. Work doesn't care for us to do some personal stuff on the computers, but hitting fifteen to twenty blogs a day (multiple times a day because usually they haven't updated and it is a quick stop) just looks really bad.
A solution, Google reader. I just go to Google, log in, and it tells me if my blogs are updated! I can read them straight from there. I am actually able to keep up with ALL my blogs! (What's that? You all know this because you have been using a reader forever...right) So, now I am a begrudging fan of the reader. I promise to still come to your blogs and look at how pretty they are. I promise to still read and leave comments. As a matter of fact, when I am home, I will still blog the old fashioned way. But at work, at work I will use the reader. It lets me keep up. Honestly it lets me read blogs that otherwise I would just have to stop reading. So...the Google reader is my friend. Just a sneaky evil friend.
So, with my low level hatred of the cunning Google reader, imagine my own surprise that I have allowed myself to sign up, put on all my favorite blogs, and then become totally addicted to the stupid thing! I KNOW!!! I am just as amazed as you are! Allow me to explain. There are lots of blogs I would love to read every single day, but I just don't have time! It takes so long to go from blog to blog and see if they have updated. I am okay with this dedication, and enjoy it when I am working my way around the blogging world, but I have started dropping some blogs that I just don't have time to keep up with. Then there is the work issue. I just can't be on a million blogs a day at work. I usually do my blogging from home, but here I sit, each and every day looking at my laptop. Work doesn't care for us to do some personal stuff on the computers, but hitting fifteen to twenty blogs a day (multiple times a day because usually they haven't updated and it is a quick stop) just looks really bad.
A solution, Google reader. I just go to Google, log in, and it tells me if my blogs are updated! I can read them straight from there. I am actually able to keep up with ALL my blogs! (What's that? You all know this because you have been using a reader forever...right) So, now I am a begrudging fan of the reader. I promise to still come to your blogs and look at how pretty they are. I promise to still read and leave comments. As a matter of fact, when I am home, I will still blog the old fashioned way. But at work, at work I will use the reader. It lets me keep up. Honestly it lets me read blogs that otherwise I would just have to stop reading. So...the Google reader is my friend. Just a sneaky evil friend.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy!
Today is my godson's birthday. How sweet is this boy? I know I am partial, but come on...he is perfect, right?? Wesley baby, you gave us such a scare two years ago when you came so early, but every day since then you have given us nothing but joy with your beautiful smile and infectious giggle. Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet boy!!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Gone Again
So Tarp has headed back to Costa Rica. I know, I know. You are all say "Again!" but it is true. Wait, maybe that is just me and Justin saying "Again!". Maybe it does not faze you all in the slightest that he is on vacation. Yes...I could see that. No matter. I will just assume that everything that matters to me is of dire importance to all of my readers. I am happy for them that they have their house. What did I expect to happen once he bought property in another country? Of course they are going to go. I did tell him that I was sure one day he was going to call me from Costa Rica and just say they have decided to stay for the entire winter and he would not be back. He laughed...but never said "Oh NOOOO, you fool!" just a laugh...
Like I said, I am happy for them. Honestly, I am totally jealous. It has been so long since I have seen the beach. Justin and I will be fine at work. We are very busy and will be working long days, but I always kind of think it is better when one of us is gone and the other two are pushed to the max. I figure if we were sitting around twiddling our thumbs it would be a red flag that three people were not needed back there. Three people are totally needed back there. I just think of when he went to CR and I was alone...the horror. A big perk for me (in that odd perk kind of way) is that I am working this weekend, so I have a five day weekend for Thanksgiving! So excited about that...
On the subject of being out of town, looks like Nick is going to be spending some time in Pittsburgh. One of his projects he is doing research on needs some special electron microscope and there are only a few places he can use one. Pittsburgh seems to be the best option. That means he will be traveling back and forth over the next several months. I have pictured in my head that he will go for a few days every couple of weeks...I have no idea if this is right, but I have this strong feeling that he has told me the details, and if I ask it will become clear that at some point, before I realized this was important, I just might not have been listening all the way...I will find out soon enough! The really unfortunate part is that he will have to fly. Lots. Poor guy.
Like I said, I am happy for them. Honestly, I am totally jealous. It has been so long since I have seen the beach. Justin and I will be fine at work. We are very busy and will be working long days, but I always kind of think it is better when one of us is gone and the other two are pushed to the max. I figure if we were sitting around twiddling our thumbs it would be a red flag that three people were not needed back there. Three people are totally needed back there. I just think of when he went to CR and I was alone...the horror. A big perk for me (in that odd perk kind of way) is that I am working this weekend, so I have a five day weekend for Thanksgiving! So excited about that...
On the subject of being out of town, looks like Nick is going to be spending some time in Pittsburgh. One of his projects he is doing research on needs some special electron microscope and there are only a few places he can use one. Pittsburgh seems to be the best option. That means he will be traveling back and forth over the next several months. I have pictured in my head that he will go for a few days every couple of weeks...I have no idea if this is right, but I have this strong feeling that he has told me the details, and if I ask it will become clear that at some point, before I realized this was important, I just might not have been listening all the way...I will find out soon enough! The really unfortunate part is that he will have to fly. Lots. Poor guy.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I know I am going to be in the vast minority here, but I am not a fan of the time change. My cousin Ariel has a new post up about how nice it is when she leaves her house at 6:30 in the morning and the sun is coming up. For her, and all my other readers who are up at insane hours of the morning, I am sure the change is a dream come true. My hat is off to you all. You know who the time change kinda sucks for though?? You guessed it. Me. I don't have to be at work until nine. I am not one to complain about a little extra sleep, but trust me, I don't really need it. I am one of few Americans who actually gets the suggested eight hours a night....and I don't go to bed until midnight! The sun light that is available when I am sleeping is totally worthless to me. I know you are thinking I could just get up a little earlier and enjoy the day, but that is just not in me...I will sleep as long as I possibly can. Not matter what.
Okay, so my actual problem with the time change is not exactly the sun coming up earlier. I guess I really wouldn't care to sleep through some daylight...if it didn't have to mean that it got dark so freaking early! I am sitting here, about to walk out the door of work, and it is dark outside. In about fifteen minutes it will be dark dark. Night dark. Bedtime dark. This really sucks for me! I love the summer when Nick and I get home from our jobs at 6:30 and are able to be sitting outside at 8:30 or nine with the sun still up. It makes the days feel so much more substantial. Like we just have more time to enjoy our life. I understand that the actual amount of time is the same. The hours we are home are never different just because of the amount of light coming in the window, but when we finish dinner and it is seven thirty and pitch black, I just want to watch TV and fall asleep. Looks like the winter blues are rolling in fast. Stupid time change....and tilt of the earth...
Okay, so my actual problem with the time change is not exactly the sun coming up earlier. I guess I really wouldn't care to sleep through some daylight...if it didn't have to mean that it got dark so freaking early! I am sitting here, about to walk out the door of work, and it is dark outside. In about fifteen minutes it will be dark dark. Night dark. Bedtime dark. This really sucks for me! I love the summer when Nick and I get home from our jobs at 6:30 and are able to be sitting outside at 8:30 or nine with the sun still up. It makes the days feel so much more substantial. Like we just have more time to enjoy our life. I understand that the actual amount of time is the same. The hours we are home are never different just because of the amount of light coming in the window, but when we finish dinner and it is seven thirty and pitch black, I just want to watch TV and fall asleep. Looks like the winter blues are rolling in fast. Stupid time change....and tilt of the earth...
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Nearly Lucky
Have I ever told you all that I am really lucky with radio contests? It is sad that I really cannot remember what I have posted about on here before...oh well. If I have already talked about it, just consider this a reminder of my mad radio contest skillz. That's right. With a Z. Said skillz have managed to win me six tickets to see Paula Abdul and Color me Bad in concert when I was in middle school. Eat your hearts out....I have won tickets to movies, free gift certificates to restaurants, just lots of random crap.
This skill was amazing to Tarp when I first started working at the lab. He had never been a person to call in to the radio stations, so the fact that I did, and then actually won sometimes was just more than he could handle. Now that we have Justin in the lab, I have a Radio contest kindred spirit. The problem...since he has joined the lab my luck has run a little thin. Maybe the real problem is that the two of us will call on absolutely ANYTHING they ask for callers on. Justin realized I have a small problem with lying...or rather pretending to know what I am talking about, when they had a trivia question about what happened on some date in 1979. I say (so confidently) Star Wars came out. I didn't know he was taking my word as gold! He, of course called, was the correct caller, said on the radio "STAR WARS!"...and was of course totally wrong. (seriously, did I already tell this story on here...if sounds so familiar).
Since then we have gotten through on a few other things. He managed to win a Lazar Tag night to play the DJ's. He named his team the Z-Rock Destroyers. That Justin, he is funny sometimes. Okay, to the point of this being today's post. Z-Rock is yet again giving something away. Something big. They have two tickets to see Hannah Montana. Doesn't sound exciting to you? Okay, it totally doesn't sound exciting to me either, but to kids everywhere it is the event of their young lives. According to the DJ's, the tickets they have are selling on eBay now for over $1000! Seriously, $1000 people. The radio station has one set of tickets. They are playing a game where they give one clue a day, and the clues will eventually point to some place in the world where they have hidden Hannah Montana. Fun, right? So, it is day two of the contest. The clues are Dark and Redneck. Justin, Tarp and I have been discussing theories when Justin tells us he has one. First, did we know that Hannah is actually Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter? Well, I'll be damned, I totally DID NOT know that! Then, he informed he looked up where Old Billy was from and found out he was from the area of Carter Caves! Dark, Redneck...we were SO SURE we had the answer.
So....we call. Remember, they only take three guesses a day. You don't just have to listen to the clues, you then have to come up with an idea, be caller nine, and tell them. I, my Internet friends, was caller nine! I tell them our genius answer of Carter Caves, and then, of course, find out I am totally wrong. Let me tell you, it was a blow. I guess now I know how Justin felt when he said "Star Wars!"...but his prize was not going to sell on eBay for $1000...
*By the way, I did not tell the DJ that I was going to sell the tickets. I told them that my best friend had children that just LOVED Hannah Montana. This was half true. My best friend has children...who would rather die than see Hannah Montana. I just figured they wouldn't take to kindly to me selling the big prize giveaway...
This skill was amazing to Tarp when I first started working at the lab. He had never been a person to call in to the radio stations, so the fact that I did, and then actually won sometimes was just more than he could handle. Now that we have Justin in the lab, I have a Radio contest kindred spirit. The problem...since he has joined the lab my luck has run a little thin. Maybe the real problem is that the two of us will call on absolutely ANYTHING they ask for callers on. Justin realized I have a small problem with lying...or rather pretending to know what I am talking about, when they had a trivia question about what happened on some date in 1979. I say (so confidently) Star Wars came out. I didn't know he was taking my word as gold! He, of course called, was the correct caller, said on the radio "STAR WARS!"...and was of course totally wrong. (seriously, did I already tell this story on here...if sounds so familiar).
Since then we have gotten through on a few other things. He managed to win a Lazar Tag night to play the DJ's. He named his team the Z-Rock Destroyers. That Justin, he is funny sometimes. Okay, to the point of this being today's post. Z-Rock is yet again giving something away. Something big. They have two tickets to see Hannah Montana. Doesn't sound exciting to you? Okay, it totally doesn't sound exciting to me either, but to kids everywhere it is the event of their young lives. According to the DJ's, the tickets they have are selling on eBay now for over $1000! Seriously, $1000 people. The radio station has one set of tickets. They are playing a game where they give one clue a day, and the clues will eventually point to some place in the world where they have hidden Hannah Montana. Fun, right? So, it is day two of the contest. The clues are Dark and Redneck. Justin, Tarp and I have been discussing theories when Justin tells us he has one. First, did we know that Hannah is actually Billy Ray Cyrus's daughter? Well, I'll be damned, I totally DID NOT know that! Then, he informed he looked up where Old Billy was from and found out he was from the area of Carter Caves! Dark, Redneck...we were SO SURE we had the answer.
So....we call. Remember, they only take three guesses a day. You don't just have to listen to the clues, you then have to come up with an idea, be caller nine, and tell them. I, my Internet friends, was caller nine! I tell them our genius answer of Carter Caves, and then, of course, find out I am totally wrong. Let me tell you, it was a blow. I guess now I know how Justin felt when he said "Star Wars!"...but his prize was not going to sell on eBay for $1000...
*By the way, I did not tell the DJ that I was going to sell the tickets. I told them that my best friend had children that just LOVED Hannah Montana. This was half true. My best friend has children...who would rather die than see Hannah Montana. I just figured they wouldn't take to kindly to me selling the big prize giveaway...
Monday, November 5, 2007
The Wedding
We had such an amazing time in Cleveland...except for the fact that Nick was deathly ill. There was that, which was a big bummer. The poor guy has not been sick in three years. The entire time I was sick with my bronchitis over the last two weeks he kept saying how mad he was going to be if he got sick and I broke his wellness streak. was broken. He woke up on Friday morning and had to go to the Urgent Treatment center before we hit the road. He found out that he too had Bronchitis, we packed the car and were gone. No time to slow down for illness. The rehearsal dinner was enjoyable, but he was really sick on Friday night. So sick that he had to walk out of the actual rehearsal two times and go and lay in the bathroom floor. So sad.
Amazing that I started this post saying we had such a good time, but we really did! Even sick, Nick had a wonderful time on Saturday. We decided to order room service and have breakfast in bed. What a wonderful invention. There are few things as nice as someone cooking you breakfast to order, delivering it to your bed, then taking away all the dirty dishes when you are done...anyway, after breakfast Nick and Ryan went out with Stephen to see his and Emily's house. While they were doing that, Arielle and I found...Ba Ba Baaaaaaaaa AN OUTLET MALL! Aw, the joy of Gap...and the Coach! I got to be there as Arielle bought her very first Coach. It is always nice being there for the start of an addiction! My favorite was when she told me later, "Ryan didn't seem excited at all about my new Coach!" I told her to just hope he never asks how much they cost!
Amazing that I started this post saying we had such a good time, but we really did! Even sick, Nick had a wonderful time on Saturday. We decided to order room service and have breakfast in bed. What a wonderful invention. There are few things as nice as someone cooking you breakfast to order, delivering it to your bed, then taking away all the dirty dishes when you are done...anyway, after breakfast Nick and Ryan went out with Stephen to see his and Emily's house. While they were doing that, Arielle and I found...Ba Ba Baaaaaaaaa AN OUTLET MALL! Aw, the joy of Gap...and the Coach! I got to be there as Arielle bought her very first Coach. It is always nice being there for the start of an addiction! My favorite was when she told me later, "Ryan didn't seem excited at all about my new Coach!" I told her to just hope he never asks how much they cost!
Okay, to the wedding. It was one of the most beautiful and enjoyable weddings I have ever been to. Seriously. Not just because we love them, but because it was awesome. The leaves were changing and beautiful, the bride was gorgeous, Stephen was the happiest I have ever seen him, all of the food was amazing, (they had Cheesecake wedding cake!) the hotel where all the events were held was perfect, the DJ rocked, it was all just really wonderful. For a girl that LOVES weddings, it was just about perfect. So...I have pictures. Lots and lots of pictures!
Okay, clearly by this first picture you can see that I was on the isle seat...right next to the floral arrangement. Still, don't they look great?
Here are they very handsome groomsmen
After dinner the couple had the first dance...

We managed to snag the new couple for a group photo...
me and Nick
Ryan and Arielle
and the newlyweds...okay, this is a little blurry, but they just look so darn cute! That is going to be it for now. I have lots more pictures, but as I looked at them, I realized they were basically just us, over and over (and over and over). So, I will just say it was wonderful one more time. We drank and danced and had an all around blast! How does everyone not love weddings as much as I do??
**BIG thanks to Charing for lending me the perfect dress!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Cleveland Rocks...and So Does My Niece!
Well, yet again Nick and I are hitting the road for a three day weekend. Today we are heading up to Cleveland for our friend Stephen's wedding. We are going up with our friend Ryan (he and Nick are both groomsmen) and his girlfriend, Ariel. I am really excited about the trip. Usually when you have a wedding, it is just squeezed in to all the other things you have going on that weekend. This will be a wonderful wedding getaway weekend! Should be great. I will get pictures and details up here when I get back into town!
On a totally different note, look at this sweet picture of my beautiful niece!
This is our little Avery Ana. My sister Boo and her husband Chris finally got details on the little girl they are adopting! I just cannot wait to kiss her sweet face and tell her how much we love her! She is three weeks old now, and will be able to come home in the spring. It is going to be a long wait, but we can do it!
Back to the wedding thought process...(wow, I am jumping around a's early) I will never again wait to get a wedding present for an important wedding until two days before. We went to get their present the other night and there was NOTHING good left on the registry. How annoying! There was like, ice cube trays and a wine bottle stopper. Awesome. We ended up putting something together that I think they will like, but it would have been so much easier to go a month ago and just get one of the good gifts off the list of things we KNOW they want! I guess that is what I get for constantly procrastinating...Okay, that's it. We are hitting the road. Hope you all have a great weekend!
On a totally different note, look at this sweet picture of my beautiful niece!

Back to the wedding thought process...(wow, I am jumping around a's early) I will never again wait to get a wedding present for an important wedding until two days before. We went to get their present the other night and there was NOTHING good left on the registry. How annoying! There was like, ice cube trays and a wine bottle stopper. Awesome. We ended up putting something together that I think they will like, but it would have been so much easier to go a month ago and just get one of the good gifts off the list of things we KNOW they want! I guess that is what I get for constantly procrastinating...Okay, that's it. We are hitting the road. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Okay, I know this is a day late and that I don't really have any good excuse because we totally had this party a week ago...alas, this is when I can get it together for you. So...are you ready to see the Tetris costumes....they. were. awesome.

Don't you just love how we all actually fit together??

Here is me and Nick

And Boo and Chris

...and Missy with her boobs and butt Tetris piece

Charing and Scott came as Dorthy and the Tin Man, which won Charing best female costume! Scott felt robbed, but you must wear the costume all night if you want to win!

Liz came as a Playboy Bunny, and Cory was there as a Keg stand supporter...sticking with his annual tradition of boycotting the costumes.

We had football players (which was cute even with the UK loss...) and Honey Bee's

We had Jokers (which won best male costume)

we had some pretty great Pirates

We had Little Red Ridding Hood and Michael Vick...

Then things got a little crazy. We had costume switching

And Keg stands....which you would totally expect from a Pirate

...or even the Joker.

But when you get Tetris doing a Keg stand, you know it was a great Halloween party!
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