
Monday, November 26, 2007

Five Day Weekend

I cannot believe (or maybe just cannot accept) that my five day weekend is over...I thought the break would have me totally revitalized and ready to work. In reality, the break made me dream of a day that I could stay home, cook, clean, know, take care of everything as my full time job! Will that day ever come, maybe at retirement, but a girl can still dream!

Anyway, I clearly enjoyed my five day weekend. We stayed the night with Nick's mom on Wednesday night, and that was wonderful. Do you ever have a house that when you get there, you just feel like you should sleep over? I can't think of any other place that has been this way for me, but that is how I always feel at Nick's mom's house. I think it is because back in 2000 they moved away from our home town. From then on, whenever we went to see them, we stayed. Sometimes a week, sometimes a few days, but we always were on a mini vacation. This has led to a wonderful relationship between me and my in-laws. I love them. Love spending time with them, talking to them, hanging out...lucky me, right?

Thursday was classic Thanksgiving. We ate early at Sally and Ron's, then went to my parents for dinner. The food was wonderful. My mom and little sister cooked all day and made the best meal ever...while sitting around after dinner and being thankful, we looked through all the store ads. I was sure there was nothing I wanted enough to get me out on Black Friday...that was, until I saw the ad for the $199, 19" HDTV LCD with a DVD player built in....HELLO, that is an amazing deal! We NEEEEED that for the new bedroom!!

So on Friday, I somehow managed to talk Boo into going and getting in line with me at Target. Being a perfect sister, she agreed, even though she had nothing she needed to get up that early for. We got in line at five and we thought we were pretty far back. Then, over the next hour more people showed up than you could ever imagine. Seriously. It. Was. CRAZY! When they opened the door they had all the Target workers out there like security guards trying to hold back line cutters. People were yelling, and going crazy trying to get in the store. Boo took off running for electronics and I grabbed the cart. It just isn't in me to fight over a TV. It is, however totally in Boo! By the time I got to her people were going crazy and Boo was sitting on TWO TVs. She said (all Innocent) "Well, if everyone wants one this bad, maybe I need one too!". She is crazy. Friday night Nick and I got all of our Christmas decorations up. I will put some pictures of the tree on here soon. Our house is so cute and festive!

Saturday Boo, Missy and I headed out at seven am for a big day of shopping at the outlet mall in Indiana. We had a blast. I love my sisters and I love shopping, so it was basically perfect. The crowds were really not to bad, and we all got so much great stuff. I had 30 people on my list which I had not started shopping for at all. When I got home on Saturday night at midnight I was totally done with 24 people! Plus, I got TONS of new clothes for myself from my parents. So excited!! As an added bonus, I got a new Coach purse, calender, wristlet and wallet to replace all my stuff that was stolen back on 7-7-07... I heart my new bag and will also take pictures of that to show you all...

Yesterday (many, this is the post that never ends...guess that is what I get for not posting for five days...) We had Thanksgiving with Nick's dad and his family. It was also great. We haven't seen all the girls in a while, so it was fun to hang out with them all. The food was great, and it was basically the perfect end to the long weekend! Hope you all had a great holiday weekend too!


  1. Sounds like you had a great weekend. It does go fast, doesn't it? I AM looking forward to never going to work again and just cooking, cleaning, shopping, eating lunch out - whatever my little heart desires! Of course, it has taken years and years and years of work to get to this point. But you will get there too!

  2. Sounds like you had a busy weekend but that it was quite enjoyable! Yea for sisters! I love mine too!
