
Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Okay, I know this is a day late and that I don't really have any good excuse because we totally had this party a week ago...alas, this is when I can get it together for you. So...are you ready to see the Tetris costumes....they. were. awesome.

Don't you just love how we all actually fit together??

Here is me and Nick

And Boo and Chris

...and Missy with her boobs and butt Tetris piece
Charing and Scott came as Dorthy and the Tin Man, which won Charing best female costume! Scott felt robbed, but you must wear the costume all night if you want to win!
Liz came as a Playboy Bunny, and Cory was there as a Keg stand supporter...sticking with his annual tradition of boycotting the costumes.
We had football players (which was cute even with the UK loss...) and Honey Bee's
We had Jokers (which won best male costume)
we had some pretty great Pirates
We had Little Red Ridding Hood and Michael Vick...
Then things got a little crazy. We had costume switching
And Keg stands....which you would totally expect from a Pirate
...or even the Joker.
But when you get Tetris doing a Keg stand, you know it was a great Halloween party!

1 comment:

  1. What a FUN Party!!

    You do know how to have a good time.

    I love it!!

