
Thursday, December 27, 2007

20 Questions

Our Christmas totally rocked. We had two days of eating and laughing and opening gifts. I wish we could have seen everyone we love, but considering the amount of time we actually had, we did pretty great! We also walked away with an amazing haul of presents...not that that is what Christmas is about, but just saying...MAN, we cleaned up! We got a new flat screen TV for the bedroom (with build in DVD player...that was totally worth going out on Black Friday to get) and a portable DVD player (so I can stop stealing Charing's kids...) plus Nick got a new table saw, and I got the new debit card Monopoly....Nick got a drill, I got a blow dryer, tons of clothes, a beautiful new ring, Wii Olympics....lots and lots of great gifts.

We loved it all. Seriously. But there was this one gift that has totally captured my mind. This one little random extra present from my mom. She got me this Harry Potter 20 Questions game. You can think of anything, (ANYTHING) from any of the seven books or five movies. It will play 20 questions with you and it ALWAYS gets the answer. I am talking really obscure things. Blast Ended it. Hagrid's Pink it. her. Godric's it. Resurrection it. SERIOUSLY. I know how 20 questions works, but this still blows my mind. Any character, any item, any location...20 questions. It did take 22 questions to get the resurrection stone, but in its defence it guessed Tom's Diary, which is down the same lines. I also liked that it didn't give up. Oh no, it knew it could figure it out! Plus it taunts you. That's right. It tells me it is smarter than I is so funny to me.

So, I guess my point is that I think that I have rediscovered a lost joy of Christmas. It has been a very long time since I got a simple toy like this. I usually get clothes and maybe some big electronic. Those gifts are wonderful the entire year long. We use them and love them and always always appreciate them. But sometimes, sometimes it is nice to just get a simply toy and play with it a million times over a period of about a week. Then, most likely, never look at it again. But that doesn't matter. Because for now, I am totally in love. thanks for the wonderful gift mom!

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