
Thursday, December 13, 2007

All Wrong

So, apparently when I choose to do an update post, I should really check all my facts first. Lets see...we are not buying the car from our friends any more. They just aren't sure if they want to sell just yet (and I totally can't blame them, they are both finishing up school and they live in Cleveland, so the four wheel drive is nice) and we figured we should move on without them.

In other lies, it looks like Nick does not have to go to Pittsburgh until after the first of the year. They don't have the samples ready yet. With the holidays fast approaching, they are just going to wait a few weeks. On a side note, how awesome is it to work for a University?? I am not even talking about teaching here, which we know has wonderful hours, but just regular old working. Nick (and nearly the entire university staff) is off work from Christmas until after New Years Day. This is not vacation time, the entire week is just scheduled why can't the rest of the jobs in the world realize we all need that time!

In other updates, this has by far been the easiest period I have had in years. I was so sure it was going to be terrible with me being so late. I just knew the endo was back, and it was all down hill from here. Not so much. I have nearly been like a normal person! I can't tell you how exciting this is for me...not to miss an entire week of life. Looks like I might be okay with the 43 day cycle!

Now, all of this is not that exciting. So if you want to see something really amazing, run over to Optimistically Waiting and check out the newest picture of my gorgeous niece!! I can't tell you how much it means to all of us to see her sweet face again...we just can't wait to bring her home!

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