
Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Party!

So, do you know what is an absolutely terrible idea to do on the day of your Friend Christmas Party??? Trying a totally new hair style. You may think this sounds harmless, but you are mistaken. You see, when you try a new hair style, you need to work out all kinks...and that is difficult to do when you are already running a little late...

So here is what happened. I usually straighten my hair. While in the shower one hour before we are suppose to be at the party I think, "Man, it has been a long time since I let my hair be curly. I am going to go with that!" I jump out of the shower and put in the gel. I then manage to get some rockin' 80's kink going on. All is well until I go to get my curling iron to get it under control. Apparently my curling iron has been lost. How is this possible? Who the hell knows. It has gone the way of my blow dryer...I am currently using a travel blow dryer from my high school days, but that is a different story. Yes, I am a fool. Anyway, I then quickly grab for my hot rollers. All I apparently own in that department are these spiral "Lock and Roll" hot rollers from the mid 90's...right. So, I go with that. This is the result. I know you are all totally jealous.

I have about three minutes and Nick keeps asking me if I am ready yet (but yes, I did stop and make him take my picture...come on, this was worth it). I am digging through all bags and baskets in the bathroom looking for a God forsaken hair tie. I yell to Nick that I cannot seem to find ANY hair ties and he says (innocently I might add) "well, there are always so many around the house I have been cutting them and throwing them away"...WHAT! So now I have nothing to pull this back with...I do manage to dig up a couple of Bobby pins. I solemnly swear to never do a new hair style when I will have one million pictures taken of myself...*sigh* Anyway...on with the party!
Here is me and Nick at Charing and Scott's annual Christmas Party! (The hair did actually come together okay I think...)

Our Christmas party has really grown over the last few years. It started as just the ZPO girls at Charing's house, but eventually we made it for couples. This year we were up to twenty people. That's a large group for a sit down dinner and Christmas exchange! Everyone did really wonderful with their secret Santa presents and we all had so much fun! Now..for lots and lots of pictures!

Here are all of the ZPO's!

My little sister Missy and her boyfriend Weston

Boo and Liz...such a group of bloggers....

Me and Tarp...

Candice and Davis looking adorable in their matching red

Me and the perfect hostess!

Ryan and Arielle

Rhi and Travis

Liz and Cory

The boys...I totally stole this pic from Liz's blog because they were both a blur in all my pics and they are so stinkin' cute here!

Anyway, there were tons of great pictures because it was really a great night! I love Christmas and I love parties, so basically this was perfect! Hope everyone had as much fun and we did!


  1. I laughed like a maniac at your hair story -- poor thing! Great writing and pictures! Y'know at Ulta we have all kinds of hair dryers, curling irons, etc. Usually several brands are on sale.

    Oh, and of course I have naturally straight hair but all the curly girls at work swear by TIGI Curls Rock products when they want to wear their hair curly!

  2. You crack me up! Your hair turned out nicely! I've always wished for curly hair...
