
Saturday, December 8, 2007

Things I Keep Meaning to Write About...

I have a million things I have brought up on here, then later I realize I never talked about any of these topics again. I always think, "Man, I should really post an update on that topic!" Then I promptly forget and go about my day. Later I sit down to write a post, my mind blank, and I finally settle on " I love Fudge"...Really?? That is my best topic?

So, on with the random updates:

*Looks like we might have a new car. We were talking to our friends who live up in Cleveland about our car search and told them we were looking for an 02-03 Xterra. They informed us that they have an 01 Xterra with 60,000 miles on it and they were thinking of trading in, and maybe we could just work out a deal! How amazing is that?? They are seeing if they are really able to get something new. If so, then we are doing the transfer when they are here for Christmas. We will soon be a two car family!

*The addition is really coming along. This deserves its own post, and I will give it one soon with pictures of the progress. You all will not believe how far it has come. It is an actual room now! It was windows and framed walls....the bedroom is drywalled and ready for putty, then paint. We are hoping to get the carpet in over the next couple of weeks and move back in!

* Did I mention that Nick and I had to clear out that entire room in order to get this done? We are living in the guest room, and my house is seriously overflowing with stuff...I can't wait to get everything put back together!

*Justin won tickets on the radio AGAIN. this time to some random concert. He is really the luckiest person I know.

*I finally started my period. It took 43 days. Lets hope this is not a new trend...

*Looks like Nick is heading to Pittsburgh next week. He has no idea what days he has to go because he avoided the guy who would have told him on Friday. I did tell him he was crazy and that he was not going to get out of it just by never finding day he will hunt him down and say "Go NOW!". He is going up there by himself, and he is driving. I think it sounds exciting, but he thinks it sounds terrible. We are thinking he wont have to be there that much because this new microscope has amazing programing that will do a lot of the work for him. As soon as he actually finds out the details, I will let you all know!

And that is all I can think of off the top of my head on updates. Now, for some new topics that I will never go back to:

*Tonight is my works Christmas party. We are doing dinner at Outback and then going bowling. It should be a really great night! Okay, actually I hate bowling and really just wish we were doing dinner, but I am sure we will have a good time because we always do. Tarp has a new camera, so I am thinking there will be tons of pictures. I will try to remember to post them...

*My little sister Missy is moving in with me and Nick. That's right. I am thinking this will definitely be mentioned again...We are really excited about her coming to stay. She is living with our other sister Boo right now while she finishes up school. With baby Avery coming home soon, Boo and Chris need that extra room. Missy is graduating this month, and will then be looking for a job and saving up some money to get her own place. It will be really great having her in the house!

Okay...I am out. I am sure as soon as I hit post a flood of other topics will come to me, but for now here are your updates!


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