
Friday, January 4, 2008


So have you noticed how I have been posting, like every day...I have. I think it is pretty darn impressive. You would think it was some crazy new years resolution (oh yeah...I never made one of those...) or something. Really it is just that the holidays have passed and the addition is at a resting point...and I guess I just actually have some time!

The time is a little twisted today because although I am off work, I am also babysitting sweet baby Carter! Scott is having surgery today, so Carter is spending the weekend with me and Nick. He stayed the night last night, and will be spending the next three days with us. We are loving it. Loving it in that "what the hell are we thinking when we plan on having one of these things all the time" kinda way...but we really are enjoying him. He has been so sweet. We have watched Thomas the Train about a million times, set up a train track, read a train book, for a while Nick took on the roll of train last has been a train filled event thus far...
We did also make a stop at the DMV today. He was asleep so I thought I could just run in...right. The wait was like an hour. We jumped in the line and I figured if he went crazy we would just go. He was an angel people, AN ANGEL. One lady told me he makes her want to have another baby. He was perfect. Unfortunately the bitch behind me must just dislike every living thing. Over the hour wait she managed to tell me that it was clear I was NOT his mother since I didn't have toys for the line, that I shouldn't give him pop, that he shouldn't play with my necklace, that he shouldn't play with my bracelets, she let out a loud sigh when he was playing with my hair....He was standing beside me jumping up and down and laughing (yes, he can entertain himself well) and she actually let out this he hurting you in any way? Is he crying? Is he screaming? NO. What the hell did she want me to do?? Get out of line I guess so she could move up one precious spot in line....I did not do that. I did get my registration. Not on a new car or anything...then this might be a more interesting story...

Anyway, this is not a great post, but honestly, I wasn't quite ready to let this daily posting streak die...I am really freakin' proud (yes, it has only been like five days...don't care)! Here are a couple of pictures that make take away from the dull factor on this here blog entry...


When you say cheese...this kid knows what you are talking about!

Ellie thinks this train track is curiously close to her bed....Notice how there seems to be a high number of accidents in that general area...

And here is just a really great one...

And now I think I am going to go crawl into the bed with Mr. Carter and join in on the afternoon nap plan...


  1. If you (or he) start getting antsy, take him the Beaumont library. They have a great kid's section with toys and you all can check out some books and movies for him. Kid's movies are free!

  2. Carter really had a great time!!!!!
    I (we) love our village very very muchxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
