
Friday, January 11, 2008


Well, I know you all have been on the edge of your seats waiting to hear this...we finally bought a car! Yes, yes. It's true. I know that it has been nearly a year that I have been talking about this car search on here, but that will finally come to an end. The long search has ended and we could not be happier with our new wheels! It is in PA right now, so we are having it shipped to us, but we bought a dark blue (with tan leather interior) Trailblazer. I am in love. Seriously. I thought it was going to go for way to much, but I logged in to bid on it just in case. We did have to go $100 over our budget, but what is $100 in the big picture? After a year, I am going to say it is nothing! I am hoping it will be here early next week and I will get some pictures up here for you all. I know you must be as excited as I am about this huge purchase...

We actually made another large purchase last night. Last week we started rearranging the living room. We thought if we turned the room around, we would have way more space. We(Nick) were so right. It is amazing. We had enough room for an entire recliner! The only catch was that now we needed a new flat screen TV...darn. Due to my amazing price matching skills we ended up with a TV that was for sale at Best Buy for $1500...and we paid $1079! We were thrilled. You should have seen the two of us walking out of there with these big grins on our faces. The only also has to be shipped. This means we have no TV in the living room until next Wednesday. We have one in our bedroom, but due to the renovations it does not have cable. This means our only TV with cable access is in the guest room. Guess where we ended up sleeping last night...

Besides that I have just been crazy busy with work. I was working out of town one day last week. The rain was back so I stayed the night with my in laws and had to be at the main lab at 4:30am....that is just crazy talk. Who has to work in the middle of the night?? Now there are discussions of my work sending me up to Chicago on Sunday. Yesterday the plan was a go and I was so pumped about it. My childhood best friend lives up there and we were going to hang out and...I don't know what. Gossip non stop for a week I guess...but now it looks like this trip might be canceled. I should know this afternoon. Anyway, these are my poor excuses for not posting this week...I will do better!

.....YEA for my new Trailblazer!!!


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm glad you are getting a new vehicle. But I'll pick you up anytime!!

  3. So excited about your new car! I completely understand having a hard time making up your mind about a car. It took me forever to pick out my car but I love it. (and I am permanently spoiled by the heated leather seats and think I have to have them forever now...)

    Oh, and if it makes you feel any better I had to work at 4 am twice a week the whole month of December to get stock out at work. Now I am back to 5 am once a week which seems so much easier.
