
Monday, January 7, 2008

Nothing Says Fun Like Babysitting, Football and Monopoly

Is it a little sad that the highlight of my Saturday night was a fun filled game of Monopoly...wait...before you judge me and my very boring life, I will tell you that it was debit card Monopoly! I know you are dying of life is amazing. In my own defence (which I am not sure I even need...I mean, doesn't everyone enjoy the Monopoly from time to time...) I had a rough weekend with my endometriosis. I had Carter on Friday and Saturday, so when I handed him back to Charing on Saturday afternoon I was totally ready to crash.

Nick really wanted to go out something. I just wanted to sleep. We had so much fun with Carter, but just maybe we are not ready for a two year old. Good thing they don't come to you that age. We ended up watching the playoff games, ordering pizza, and then breaking out the board games. Once I crushed him (I could be a Monopoly pro...) we watched the movie Super Bad. We thought it was okay. We kept hearing it was wonderful, and I guess it didn't live up to all the hype.

Sunday was a bunch of the same. We did run a few errands and have lunch with his mom and step dad. Then it was more football and video games. I got a new game for my DS which teaches you Spanish. Boo and I both got it and I am so excited about it. I have always hated that I didn't really have time to learn Spanish when I took it in school. I just memorized enough to get through the tests and graduate. Now I really wish I had tried. I think it would be amazing to speak a second language. So...I am trying. Boo and I both think it will be fun to be able to speak Spanish to Avery, so I will let you know how we do. I am on lesson 39 right now...and there are 994 lessons. I think I am going to go ahead and call this my New Years Resolution! Speak Spanish by 2009. Wish me luck!


  1. I must get this new DS game for The Spouse. Speaking Spanish better would be so helpful in her job. What's the name of the game?

  2. Sorry! I have now included a link in the post to the game, but it is called "My Spanish Coach". Hope she likes it as much as I do!

  3. It is super cool and fun too! I am motivated my Avery but still, it's cool!

  4. Creo que es asombroso que usted está aprendiendo español! Buena suerte a todos y mis mejores deseos.:D
