This picture kinda sums up our day.
(yes, we were drinking when we took this, and yes we thought we were genius, but I still think it is pretty cool!)
Anyway, we had such a wonderful time with Nancy. I always love being with her, so it was such a treat to have her take Megan and I around town. We took the train in, which was packed with people due to a Cubs event and some other boat show...who the ride was just okay. Nothing wrong with it, just lots of people.
Here is a pic of Megan on the train...once we got seats.
And here is me on the train....
Once we got to the city Nancy picked us up at Millennium Station. She drove us around to see some of the sights by car. It was so very cold there was just no walking around to take in the city. We went to the Sears Tower, then over to see where Nancy works (right across the street from the Tower) then we went by Navy Pier. Once we did the quick tour, we went to Nancy's place so she could get cleaned up. Her apartment is truly amazing. It is very small, which is t be expected for a place right on Michigan Avenue. She lives in a high rise, and all outside walls are totally windows.

Here is a pic of her living room. You can't really see the view, but it is amazing. She is over looking the rider and you can see Navy Pier....really breath taking!

While hanging out I decided I was most definitely going to have to claim Nan's Ugg' my feet didn't get to cold. How cute are they??

We popped open a bottle of wine and ended up hanging out around her place for over an hour. When the wine was gone we decided to bundle up and walk to the Grand Lux Cafe. It was amazing. The owners also own the Cheesecake Factory, which I love, so I figured I would be a fan. We got a table in the bubble room, which is all glass and has a wonderful view of the city. We ate our lunch....then some desert...then we headed out to Lincoln Park for some shopping!

The entire area was full of amazing little shops. We went to 1154 Lill, Which Nancy and I have been talking about doing together for years. It is this amazing little boutique where you pick out all of our own fabric's for your own personal bag. The options are just amazing. They had this beautiful bag design that I am going to make when I go back in the summer. For this trip I just got an adorable new makeup bag. So cute...everyone should go to this shop. I loved it!

Once we were done with the shops we stopped for coffee and more talking. Nancy and I might have overwhelmed poor Megan. She had no idea what she was getting into....she said she had a really good time, and that Nancy and I were very much alike and very entertaining. Glad to put on a good show!

After coffee we decided to go over to a little bar in the middle of town for some drinks and appetizers. We sat there for the rest of the evening laughing a talking. Nancy and I were drinking beer, which Megan tried, but just couldn't do. After several discussions with the waitress we got a bottle of Raspberry beer. Imagine our surprise when it came in a wine bottle with three glasses! We loved it! I really need to look for this at home...

Eventually we headed out of the bar. We went back to Nan's place to get our stuff together and she drove us back to the train station so we didn't have to mess with the train. All in all it was a perfect day with my sweet best friend. Tons of eating, drinking, shopping and talking. Who cares if it is cold? Days don't get much better!

So while driving out of the city I decided I would be able to take a picture of the night skyline...which was amazing. How much do you think I freaked this woman out?? I am thinking a lot.
***Totally off the subject of my day in the city, but we went to see
Juno today. I was not into this movie at all, but then I kept hearing how great it was. I loved it. LOVED IT. Something about it is just so funny and sweet. Totally worth seeing.***
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