
Sunday, January 13, 2008

Rainy Day

So when Nick and I rolled out of bed this morning we started making our plans for the day. This was, of course, after our delicious French Toast breakfast that he made...god I am spoiled...anyway, we made plans. Nick knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to work on the new patio. This required drilling through concrete, laying stones, levels, saws...bla bla bla. I am sure he was aware of what he was asking of me and the breakfast was no coincidence...hmm. Well, I totally agreed to whatever he wanted. I would work in the yard. I would help (watch) him drill the holes and cut the stones. Whatever. It wasn't how I wanted to spend my Sunday, but I would do it because it was important to him. It was important to the slow but steady progress on our home.

I cleaned up the kitchen, started some laundry, and decided I am ready. I just needed to run up and pick up a prescription. I walk out the door and...rain. Lots and lots of rain. I guess with all of our plan making we never really thought to look outside and make sure the weather was working with us. I tell Nick it is raining, and he says he is sure it is just sprinkling. I shoot him a look that says "Sprinkle=rain when you stand around for ten minutes". He caves. Since I have been back from the store we have done nothing....nothing being that of course I am still working on the laundry and picked up some...and I (yes me. all by myself...thank you , thank you) did move the TV out of the bedroom and into the living room so we could watch the Colts lose...and he is playing Zelda and I am playing my Spanish game....but in this house that is a bunch of nothing. It has been a perfect rainy day. Hope you all are enjoying it too. Maybe I will make it to the grocery before the day is done...or maybe not.

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