
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Silent Victory

Sometimes things just work out perfectly, and for one instant you are given pure joy. Joy that you must contain because it would be rude to yell or pump your fists in the air at these moments. In a way, it may make them even more enjoyable then if you were alone and could celebrate. You hold in the joy and it lasts just a little longer. This morning when Megan and I got into the car I mentioned that I needed to pick up a contact case after dinner. She then said....wait for it....that she needed to go get some more clothes because she clearly didn't bring enough stuff. Oh how I wanted to celebrate in my over packing victory! But I did not. I held it in. I just said of course we could do that. We could go where ever she wanted...because I had no need for clothes, seeing as how I packed every single winter item I owned. This did not, however, stop me from buying a new super cute T-shirt at Target tonight. I also picked up some candy and pop for my room. That mixed with the wonderful meals we have been eating will lock in the five pounds I am putting on while in Chicago.

We didn't make it into the city last night. We worked until about eight thirty, and the last train in for dinner time was 6:45. We decided to just go over to Abuelo's (grandfather in Spanish...I am so on top of my New Year's Resolution) because work gave us a gift card. We both ordered Margarita's due to the long day, plus we had appetizers, dinner and desert. It was great. Then we went back to our rooms and crashed. Work was better today. We got out around six, then went to dinner where we once again ordered drinks to celebrate getting out at a reasonable hour. We did hold off on desert...hence the candy from Target. I think we will just stay around here tomorrow when we get off as well. I am trying to talk Megan into a movie. I keep hearing how great Juno is, so that might be our big Friday night plan. The rest of the weekend I will have to work out with my friend Nancy, but I am sure we will spend some of it in actual Chicago. Should be wonderful!

As a side note, it is cold as hell here. Seriously. Burn your face off cold. I know everyone told me it was cold. I believed you, I swear I did. The thing is, it is hard to imagine this kind of cold. It isn't just that the temperature is low, it is that freaking wind! It nearly took the car door off tonight. The temperature is dropping and the high tomorrow is...four degrees. There was a discussion at the lab on if it was four or negative four, but I think they decided it was going to be least tomorrow. It is suppose to get colder over the weekend. Didn't we pick the perfect time to visit Chicago....


  1. "Oh, how I wanted to celebrate in my over packing victory!" - hilarious!

    Have a great time in Chicago -- I am a teeny bit jealous but not about the freezing face part! ;)

  2. I am sure the smile on your face was equal to the punped up fist.
    Have a great weekend. Enjoy.

  3. Well, I have to say, my first reaction was to celebrate your overpacking victory. However. This did mean that she got to shop and buy more clothes. So, who was actually the wise one here?

    And four degrees? Good Lord.

  4. I hate to say I told you so re the wind and the freezing weather, but.......I told you so. Don't freeze! Weather that cold is actually dangerous, so be careful. Bundle up good even if that might mean you are forced to buy some new clothes to help you stay warm.
