
Saturday, February 2, 2008

A little Early

So two months ago when I started my period, it was on day 45 of my cycle. (Should I mention this post is all about issues that honestly are most likely to personal for a blog...well, consider yourself warned) This extremely long cycle led me to believe my cycle was getting longer, which it has had a tendency to do in the past as my endometriosis worsened. I would then have a surgery and it would set my clock right again.

So, imagine my surprise when I started the next month on day 26 of my cycle. I was excited. It was good to know my body was still staying in time with a normal persons cycle, and all seemed right with the world. Especially when you throw in the fact that this period was so easy on me. This is when all the "I'M CURED!" thoughts began. Then this month rolled around and I started on day...26. Good, good. Consistency is always great. This cycle is giving me lots of issues, but still. Happy to be on schedule.

Here is the problem. With the new short term disability I have signed up for, in order for me to be able to get paid maternity leave I would have to actually deliver the baby ten months after my sign up date. This is not about my original due date, this is the ACTUAL date of delivery. I had done a little math and we needed to sit out of trying for a baby for two months to insure we would deliver in November. Now, if there was some major medical reason for me to deliver early, like preeclampsia or something, they would make an exception. But if I just go into labor on my own, it sure has hell better be after November 1st. So with my two rather short cycles, looks like my due date on a pregnancy this month would be around...November 4th. Four days into the safe zone. Four days into the paid time off.

So we really don't know what to do. Like, we really cannot decide. On one hand I think why would I deliver early if there was not a medical reason. On the other hand I know that this does happen a lot. We are not talking about weeks early, we are talking about four days. On one hand I want to believe the insurance company would take my doctors word for it that I only delivered before the acceptable time due to a medical reason, but then on the other hand I know that insurance companies are asses who would not pay a dime if they could get out of it. On the one hand, I have the endo and don't want to waste any time, on the other, we waited these two months to be sure we would get the paid leave. Do we want to go the entire pregnancy worrying I might deliver four days early. Trying to save the money "just in case". I really don't know. Well, maybe I do know. I know that we should wait another month. I know it is the right decision. It is just the decision that breaks my heart. These two months have been so hard for me. I just don't WANT to wait any I am calling the doctor. I have hopes he will tell me to just try and he will make it all okay. But anything short of him telling me that will mean we will take one more month off. Which just sucks.


  1. I know you are impatient, but one more month will fly by. You want to make sure everything is covered. Hopefully, everything will come together soon and you will have great news for all of us!!

  2. You are right. Wait, even if it hurts. A month is nothing time wise in the grand scheme of things. It will fly by. Insurance companies are most assuredly assholes who will do anything not to pay and babies are notorious for coming whenever THEY are ready, not when the calendar says they should come. Be safe and be covered.

  3. Hey girl! Heard some similarities between my own past and your blog here - so I'll add my 2 cents. I was without complications on my preg with Lainie. I got preg on Feb 14th (Valentine / Ice storm baby) and delivered on Nov. 4th - 3 days before my "predicted" due date. punkin152 (Boo's red headed friend) Good luck!

  4. Hey girl! Heard some similarities between my own past and your blog here - so I'll add my 2 cents. I was without complications on my preg with Lainie. I got preg on Feb 14th (Valentine / Ice storm baby) and delivered on Nov. 4th - 3 days before my "predicted" due date. punkin152 (Boo's red headed friend) Good luck!
