
Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Well I hope you all are having a great St. Patrick's Day!! I must admit, I have never been a huge celebrator of the St. Patty's Day. I mean, my mom does love the all holidays, so we had our yearly green dinner. This dinner was not in any way Irish, but it was seriously green. The meal consisted of Shepherd's Pie (with dyed green mashed potatoes), broccoli casserole, green bean casserole, Dyed green biscuits, dyed green Sprite...lord only knows how much food coloring went into the meal, but it became a family tradition. In high school friends would always want to come to green dinner (mainly because green or not, my mom's food is the best food around) and we always had a blast.

Well, a couple of years ago Charing invited us over for St. Patrick's Day dinner. Imagine my surprise to get there and, rather than all green food, to find an authentic Irish meal! We had Corned Beef and Cabbage, potatoes, carrots, Irish Soda Bread...It was seriously Delicious!! This year Boo and Chris, Tarp and Jim, and Nick and I were all able to make it for the party. We ate the wonderful Irish meal, and then did a lot of drinking of the slightly less Irish Margarita's and Corona (BUT it is beer, so it counts!!) plus we had Bailey's, so there was definitely an Irish twist on the after party!
As the night wore on we ended up playing the game Apples to Apples, which if you have never played at a party then you are missing out. It is the perfect game for small parties like this, in the fact that it is fast passed, and required only small spurts of concentration. (I kinda sound like Boo and Sheri, but seriously, the game is fun) After the game, there may have been a small bit of dancing...but it may have mainly been Tarp and Carter. Still a good show for for the rest of us!!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the event. Hope you all are wearing your green and having a great St. Patrick's Day too!!
Here are Nick and Chris, who decided to go with the blue look rather than the classic St. Patty's green... And Scott went with the gray...

Here is acute pic of me and Charing
and a good one of Tarp...he took a stupid picture of me where I look all annoyed, and I attempt to get him back with a bad picture of him...failed miserably...Some kids bob for apples...but not Carter!And who can blame him for keeping his bottle cold??
Nick might have egged him on a bit...I have never been so proud... Then Tarp decided it was time to teach Carter to Salsa...Carter was a fan
And to end off the picture post, a cute picture of me and my husband!

So that is it. Happy St. Patrick's Day, and don't forget...tomorrow is St. Joseph's Day!! What?? You didn't know about that? Okay, I had no idea either, but apparently it is and you eat Italian food and what not. As far as I know there is no color requirements for old St. Joseph. Thanks for Charing for filling me in on the forgotten Saint's holiday! What would I do without you??


  1. What a good picture of you and Nick! Looks like you guys had fun! I think I'm going to have to try the whole "Green Dinner" idea! I like it!

  2. Green dinner sounds like fun. One must not forget the green beer though.
