
Saturday, March 8, 2008


So we got some snow. Not as much as I was hoping for. I really wanted a foot...I mean, doesn't a foot of snow sound impressive??. Still, we came away with five inches, and that is a rare occurrence around here. About an hour away from us they were hit with the 12-14 inches, and although I am jealous, I am sure it has its annoyances as well.

When I got home from work, Nick, Missy and I all went to get breakfast at Denny's. Not exactly healthy, but most definitely delicious. Then we came home and played in the snow. Yes, all three of us. Mainly we were playing with Ellie who, come to find out, loves herself a good snowstorm!Here are Ellie and Missy having a grand old time
and here is one of her and her Papa...where she clearly is not interested in having her picture taken, she only wants to play
Did I ever tell you she is a fast dog? Well, she is. Even in the snow...And man, she can jump. (and her mama cannot take a good picture of it to save her life!) We were throwing snowballs in the air and she would jump up and catch them in her mouth
This girl knows how to have a good time in the snow.

Once we were done, we had some serious snow mattes to contend with, but it was worth it. All four of us had an absolute blast. Now it''s time for some hot cocoa and maybe a nap...

**What's that?? You find it odd that I am doing an entire post of pictures of my dog playing in the snow?? I hate to tell you how many pictures we ACTUALLY took of her! She's our baby you know!**


  1. Sounds like a lot of fun to me!!! Winston, my parent's dog, like the snow too. He's too old to run around in it though...

  2. I love the snow balls stuck under her arms!!!! Looks like you guys had a blast!

  3. Cute, cute, cute! Waverly used to get so excited about snow that she would hop like a bunny through it. It is hard to tell if Tallulah is excited by snow because she is always delighted to be outside. You guys have fun!!! Hmmm...cocoa sounds like a great idea... :D

  4. I played in the snow with my babies too. We had a great time. I loved watching Ebony run in the snow. I even met a neighbor with a Little boy for Carter. After hours playing at the house Scott took Carter and Zach sledding. I gave him the camera but he did not take pictures.

  5. I definitely have the cutest grandpuppy ever!!

