
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Nick!

Well, this isn't really for Nick seeing as how he doesn't read my blog, but still I think it is worth mentioning that yesterday was his birthday! We went out to dinner with his mom and sister, then Candice and Davis came back to the house for presents and cake. Look at how cute he is with his cookie cake...

The candles are all bunched together because he said I always put them around the circle and they are impossible to get in one breath...he did manage to blow out all 27. We were so proud. I will mention that for a constant lip singer, having to sing "Happy Birthday" with four people is not my favorite thing...

Also, off subject, Happy April Fools! Google almost got me with the entire "Time Stamp" on emails, but the I remembered it was April Fool's...tricky tricky.

Also again, I am working on a 100 Things-About-Me should be up tomorrow. It will be long. Be prepared!


  1. Happy Birthday to Nick! 100 things about me sounds great! Maybe I should do that on my Facebook page!

  2. Is that a picture of Ellie on the cookie cake? If so, we are so alike in our lovee for our "babies" ;P

  3. Oh yes that is Ellie! And of course the card was signed from her too! We do love her...
