
Thursday, April 24, 2008

The One Where I Complain...

I figured if I give the post a title like that, then you might not find all the complaining as know...because you are prepared....

This has been one hell of a week. Actually, I guess it started last Friday on the work front. Our server crashed...and then our back up server crashed. Of course we were assured that THAT would never happen in a million years. It is hard to even describe how dependent the lab is on the computers. I would say just as dependent as most of you all are on yours. We keep all client information, all reporting, all results... We use NO PAPER. We start tests, end tests, and file all within the magical untouchable server. has been a special week. The crash happened Thursday night. We got the computers back Tuesday evening. The fact that it went over a weekend helps most of the lab, but the Bio lab works weekends. A requirement when you work with things that are alive...

Anyway, we had about a million pieces of paper that had to have the data transferred into the system. It was incredibly time consuming. Then we of course have all the work that was not getting done because there was just no reporting. It has been....a serious task. We have been taking loads of stuff home, and as of ten thirty last night we are nearly there. Just in time too, because tomorrow is my Friday off, and after a week like this, a three day weekend is a must!

So, to add to my complaining post...just while I am getting it out there...I am now doped up on Clomid again. I have actually already taken all the pills and go in tomorrow for the ultrasound to see if I am ovulating. (Fingers crossed!!!!) Amazing how fast time goes when you start early, and are incredibly busy. I cannot believe I am back around to our next complaints there!

Anyway, with the Clomid comes the hot flashes. The new problem....with the spring comes the allergies. With the allergies comes the sneezing.....with the sneezing comes....THE HOT FLASHES. So, imagine me sitting there, nose red and running. Nose skin flaking a little where I CANNOT STOP BLOWING IT. Eyes running, making weird noises out of the back of my throat to get that little tickle...and then, just for fun...I am bright red and sweating. Nearly in flames. It. Is. Terrible. Seriously, sneeze...*woosh of heat*. blow nose. Wait five minutes. Repeat. I am now on allergy medication, so it is getting better. Plus, with the Clomid done, I should be going back to normal soon. Just felt the need to get it out there that I am a little miserable...tomorrow can not come fast enough for me!

**Oh, and just be be an even bigger baby, I burnt my finger last night when I was taking the BBQ chicken off the grill and now I have the huge blister right in the crease of my pinky finger. Yes I was a dork for grabbing the meat thermometer while it was scorching hot, but I am afraid of uncooked chicken...and apparently I paid the price...

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear about your week. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!
