Seriously, can anyone give me any topic to think about, talk about or write about besides the "I have twelve days before I can take a pregnancy test" topic. I mean, that is going to get really old. Twelve...eleven....oh look, I didn't post, so now we are down to nine. God, I am annoying to myself, but I swear that is all my mind can think about right now. It shoots back and forth from, "Well now, don't get your hopes know the odds" to " But it is possible" to "but you can't do anything for twelve more days so just stop thinking about it!!"
So, I will try to not obsess on it. Really. I am going to South Carolina next weekend, and that will help to break up the time. I am sure I will get back into my work routine and it will also has just been the last three days off I have had so much time to just think. You know how dangerous that can be!
So, I will try to not obsess on it. Really. I am going to South Carolina next weekend, and that will help to break up the time. I am sure I will get back into my work routine and it will also has just been the last three days off I have had so much time to just think. You know how dangerous that can be!
I did manage to get a few things done in between all the thinking. I took a picture of my new hair! It isn't that exciting, basically like my old hair, but remember, a new girl did it! I have serious anxiety about who touches my hair, so I am so happy she did such a good job...
Besides diggin' the new hair, I have felt kinda bla this weekend. I want to tell myself that I am sick to my stomach and incredibly tired (like fell asleep on Saturday night at 8:30 kinda tired) due to the obvious pregnancy, but CLEARLY I do know that 48 hours pregnant does not make you tired or sick. I am guessing it is all the hormones I have been on, topped off with the injection on Thursday.
Yesterday Nick and I went out to his dad's house for birthday dinner. That was extremely enjoyable. We grilled out, and then hooked up the Wii so all the kids could play it. We got the entire family involved and it ended up being a really great night. I did manage to stay awake until 11:30, so it looks like my body is getting back on track. That's all I've got for you now...I will really try to think of other things to discuss over the next twelve days...not that I am counting or anything...
Sending baby dust your way... And lovin' your new hair!