
Monday, April 21, 2008

Weekend Pictures

Well, I had to go and talk up these pictures from the weekend, and then I go to load them and I have like five...and only from the one party. None at all from my sisters party...bad bad sister. Anyway, here are a few pictures to keep you all and the girls. You can see my adorable new purse from Boo's party there on my shoulder...of course it is all wonky in this picture...because that's how I roll...Then we have Charing and Scott....although you cannot tell here, Scott did enjoy the party!Me and Tarp...what adorable Biologists...Me and Jim...not sure why I didn't find it important to actually take a picture of Tarp and Jim together, rather than each with me....I guess I felt that I was the most important requirement of these photographs....

And finally, me and Drew. At the last minute Drew yells "WAIT! Chins up! Chins up!!" I believed this was to be sure we did not have double chins in the picture. Drew looks fine, but I seem to have a distractingly long neck which I never noticed before...I think I will risk the chin down from now on...

So, that's it. A little bit of a let down, right? Sorry I didn't take more pictures. I will try to do better. All in all it was a great weekend. Saturday Nick and I did most of our planting. We need to pick up some more mulch, but the front and back yard are really looking great. I will try to get some pictures up of that soon!


  1. I love the pics. I had no idea about your fall though. Tarp

  2. Fun weekend but the 130 club is just not working for me because pictures don't lie
