
Friday, May 2, 2008

I Won!

Remember how I told you all that I was sometimes kinda lucky? Well, I have been on a little bit of a dry spell as of late with my radio winning, but I am so excited to say that the wait has paid off. I won something. Something great. Okay, something some of you might find a little odd for me to be entering for...but whatever. I won a free diaper bag! Okay, not just any diaper bag, but the super nice environmentally friendly baby bag from Fluerville. This is the one I am getting...

So how did I win you ask? Well, My favorite new blogger over at Chic Shopper Chick is giving it to me! She had the contest back a few weeks ago and I thought, "well, that's a nice bag! I want a baby, so I will need a bag. Might as well enter!" So I did. Along with 220 other people. AND I WON! I then had winners remorse because I had decided on this one pattern, but I wasn't sure I loved I switched it up to the Botanical Azul, and I am just thrilled. Now I just need to be pregnant so I can carry my perfect new bag!

Now, you should all run right over to Chic Shopper Chick's site. She is doing a new baby give away today and everything is really cute in it. Plus she always has great stuff on her blog. She can always help you spend your money!

**Post edited so that the links now actually work!***


  1. Yay! Thanks for the mention and for sending your friends my way! Congrats again!

  2. Love this diaper bag -- and I don't even have babies at present!
