
Thursday, May 22, 2008

IUI #3

Well, looks like we are a go for IUI #3! I am excited, but at the same time I am ready for it to be another no. I guess that is a good place to be. I went in for my ultrasound and found out that I will be ovulating on Tuesday. That means I will be taking Tuesday off, so I will get a four day weekend. Score! I think I am ovulating two egg's, both from the left side. God bless my little left ovary. It is such a trooper with it's ovulating three months in a row!

I talked a lot with Doc about the bleeding issue. I have been thinking about it a lot, and really I have had spotting in the middle of my cycle for ages. It was actually the first thing I had going on when I went to the doctor for what eventually led to my endometriosis diagnosis. I don't seem to have the problem when I am on no hormones, but whenever I was on birth control or any hormone treatments I seem to just bleed all the time.

Doc really wants to get the spotting to stop, so he is adding some extra hormones to the mix. In addition to the Clomid that I already took this month, I am now taking estrogen. Then, three days after ovulation, I will start taking progesterone. Talk about one big ball of hormones! All of you just get ready for the crazy now! I did ask him if these new hormones would increase my chance of pregnancy, and he said there was no data to support that, but that it should prevent the early spotting. I am so glad I asked because I know I would have talked myself into thinking the new hormones made this would fix everything....which clearly they will not.

I am excited. I am hopeful. I am also ready to move into IVF with not regrets and no questions of if we did all we could. We are covering all bases. All prayers and well wishes are appreciated. Keep your fingers crossed!


  1. Prayers and well wishes coming your way. Love you.

  2. People always say, The third times a charm

  3. Just stopping by to tell you that people are interested in reading your random thoughts. :)
    -Bonnie Bell

  4. Best of luck -- lots of prayers and thoughts coming at ya!

  5. yikes... all that horomones! but hey, whatever it takes to help the situation, right? :)

    we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

    relax and have a great 4 day weekend!
