
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Not the Best Mother's Day

I gotta tell ya, this isn't going to be my favorite Mother's Day ever. Okay, I don't actually have a favorite mothers day...which makes since seeing as how I don't have any actual children, but still...this will go down as the worst. I am starting my period. Isn't there just something cruel about that? I actually joked that it would suck to start on Mother's Day. Then I woke up this morning to most unquestionable spotting. I actually had light spotting yesterday (day 25 of cycle, 11 days past IUI) but I held out hope for the always illusive implantation bleeding. Unfortunately when I got up this morning it was heavier spotting, and although I can't call it a period just yet, I am pretty sure I will be able to by tomorrow morning.

Along with the spotting I have some hellish back aches and pretty severe cramping and nausea, so I am really about 99% sure this is my actual period. Of course I will still have to take a test of Tuesday because of the Clomid and everything. There will be a glimmer of hope in my heart until then, but that doesn't make this any easier. I really just thought this was it.

Well, I thought I would lighten up the post a bit with at least a couple of pictures for Mother's Day....actually these were what I was going to post before the spotting...but they make me feel a little better, so I will share them with you guys!
Here is a pic of our Irises in our front yard. (and unlike my aunt Mrs. Who, they really ARE your own Irises...and not the neighbors!) I actually am going to take some pic's soon of all of our flowers because they look amazing. I know this pic is a little dark, but I thought it was nice...

And then, of course, a pic of our baby. She is relaxin' maxin' all laid back on a pillow on the couch (with her devil eyes). She did remember to wish her mama a happy Mother's Day before I left for work, so she is a good girl!

So that's it. Here's hoping that next Mother's Day is a much, much better day...


  1. oh. sorry to hear about your mother's day. do keep us updated on the test on tuesday.

    is puts my my black eye and cracking a tooth incident to shame.

    good luck!

  2. sorry, i meant "this" rather than "is" on the second paragraph.

  3. Sarah, that sucks. I am sorry. :(
