Sunday, June 29, 2008
The Pool
Friday, June 27, 2008
A Bust
The pain was extremely similar to when I am in the throws on my period with my endometriosis cramping, but I just got off my period on Saturday and started the BC on Sunday. It is day FIVE of this cycle! I seriously rolled around the idea of the ER. I mean, who's to say that one of these days I am not going to have serious abdominal pain, take pain meds and go to sleep, and then have my appendix burst! I decided to take my pain meds, and stay awake to see if the pain gets worse. It remained constant (and hurt so bad I couldn't set my hands on my stomach... seriously, it was terrible) but I eventually passed out at four.
Yesterday morning I started bleeding. What. the. hell. I called my fertility doc, but he was out of town. Then I called my regular GYN. The nurse seemed very concerned and actually called the doc in surgery! He said that with my history of cysts, and with all the hormones I had been on, that he was pretty sure I had a nice large cyst develop, then the BC repressed all hormones...therefor making THE CYST BURST. It all fit. The sudden sharp horrible pain, the lingering dull pain, the bleeding. He said if I am not better today to call and he wants to see me, but he really thinks it is a cyst burst, so to rest and take my pain medications (and rest I did...I came home and got in bed at 5:30...Nick woke me up and I ate dinner at 10:30, then went back to bed until morning). I am feeling better. I am sure he was right. Still, how much can one girl take. I mean, I get the endo, which sucks. Then the endo leads to infertility, which sucks. NOW the infertility is leading to terrible pain as cysts rupture in the night? There has to be a limit where things just officially become unfair...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Some Good News
I had decided it was worth a try to have them run the drugs through my insurance. I have wonderful insurance, and have been lucky enough to have all the Clomid, estrogen, progesterone, and injections for the IUI's covered. I am not sure how common that is, but I was pleasantly surprised by it (and by pleasantly surprised I mean shocked and thrilled). When the pharmacist called I asked if she could look into my insurance coverage. She asked me if I have fertility coverage. I tell her that I don't have full coverage, but that it has covered all medications so far, as well as all ultrasounds and doctors visits. It is not covering anything for Nick (obviously...and I didn't tell her that, I am just telling you all) and the actual IUI transfers.
She put me on hold to call my insurance company. I am not going to lie, she sounded very skeptical. I actually felt a little bad for making her call. She didn't SAY there was no point, but there was something in her sigh that led me to believe it. Anyway, she got back on the phone and gave me the breakdown....Doc called me in seven different medications. (that's right). Three of the seven were not covered through this pharmacy, but would be covered at this other magical pharmacy. They will fax them the order and they will call me. The other four were covered here. She starts naming them along with the number of pills or injections for each...medication one...$3...(I get a little excited...great start!) medication two...$3 (I actually laugh out loud a little...) medication three...$6 (my heart skips a beat)...medication four...the big one of the four...$15 (I die just a little). She then says I need needles and syringes...she adds that in...and of course I must pay for the Fed Ex the grand totally for the first four of the seven IVF drugs with shipping and needles...$37. THIRTY SEVEN DOLLARS. TOTAL.
Now, I still need to talk to the other pharmacy, but they said it would be covered. I could have a $40 copay per pill or shot or something, but still...I mean, this could still get expensive, but I just cannot tell you how excited we are to have some of this being paid. The $3000 for drugs is a fourth of the total cost of IVF. The idea that we could get a large chunk of that paid just means that if it doesn't work, we can do it again sooner...we can do it again EVER. Three thousand dollars...and so far I have paid thirty seven. I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop...I will let you know what the total for the last three turns out to be, but for now, I will enjoy the idea of thirty seven! Looks like the ads on Bio Girl (which really are coming as soon as they give me the code) might pay for at least the medications!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Getting (Wii) Fit
- I joined a gym back around the time I first started to put on a little weight. I felt that I could nip this problem right in the bud....take control! I went all out when joining this gym, so rather than just go with a month to month plan...I signed up and paid in advance for an entire year...and I paid even more because I wanted the lifetime members discount to go along with it. Pay more now, then pay less FOREVER!! Genius. I believe I used my membership religiously for a few weeks, while hating every second of it. I then only showed my face at the gym for the tanning bed. I never went in for the next years discounted rate, and when I recently had the small desire to being working out again, I noticed my gym has closed sad.
- I decided to take up swimming. I was laying out a lot over the summer at a friends pool, so I bought myself some goggles...because I was really serious about this. I was going to swim thirty laps a day to start. Ten each of breast stroke, back stroke and free style. I was on the swim team for about a week when I was little, so I knew the routine. If I remember correctly I made it down and back one time before climbing out of the pool and getting back to laying out. I have not had the goggles back on since. I do still keep them in my pool bag just in case I get the urge could happen.
- I decided I was going to become a runner. (this one is maybe three months old). We have a 5K run here in our city on the 4th of July, so I was going to begin training and then run in the race. One day I got all my workout clothes on, did a little stretching, set my ipod to the "get pumped" play list and hit the pavement. I made it about 60 seconds into the first song before I had to hit the inhaler. I managed to do a 60 seconds running, two minutes walking and catching my breath rotation for a full 30 minutes! I was very proud of my start to a lifetime of running. I never ran again...
So...when I got the Wii Fit I was pumped. Super pumped...but I gotta tell ya, I have been pumped about exercise before. Then I get started actually working out and realize it is really fucking hard work!! I thought there was a small chance that I might actually enjoy the Wii Fit because it was in my own home, therefore requiring little extra effort, and it was interactive. I must say that I was totally right. I LOVE the Wii Fit. I have worked out more in the past two weeks than I have since that final county championship in eighth grade.
I am seriously addicted. The game has four options for workout: yoga, strength exercises, aerobics, and balance. I do the yoga everyday. It isn't that stressful on my body, but I can definitely tell a difference from just the two weeks of use! I then try to rotate the aerobics (which seriously...the advance step and the super hula hoop...I am totally out of breath and in need of an inhaler...sad but true) and the strength training (which...a push up..I simply cannot do one...and on some of them I am shaking so bad I would be HORRIFIED for anyone but Nick to see it. He has been nice enough to keep the laughing to a minimum:) ) but I really enjoy the aerobics so much more than the strength training, so I am kinda drawn in that direction. They also have balance exercises, which are really fun, but honestly not a workout in the same way as the rest.
So, the point is that I love it. I am using it for at least thirty minutes a day, and I really think we will both continue to use it. An added perk to the entire thing is that we have had people over a few times since we bought it, and it is really fun with a group too! You haven't seen anything until you see a fairly drunk average size guy swinging his hips like mad trying to get to 800 rotations on Super Hula Hoop! I love it. Nick loves it. It was worth every penny of the $90. If you have a Wii, got out and get one! If you don't have a Wii...pick that up too. Hours and hours of healthy entertainment!
**Chic Shopper Chick...does this sound familiar? Yes, you inspired this entire post with our emails....thanks!!
**I should also mention that Boo also joined the gym with the lifetime membership (with some pushing from me) and bought a pair of goggles for the laps...what we try, we try together!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Really Needed?
The nurse told me that they were indeed chewable, but that it was not required to chew them...just swallowing would work fine. I, of course, could not fight the curiosity so when I took my first pill on Sunday I was forced to chew. I mean, it could have been delicious! It could have been so filling that I needed no breakfast...well, no it couldn't have, but it could have been delicious like my chewable daily vitamin (yes I do actually take chewable daily vitamins and they are tops, but a daily vitamin is a horse pill and it hurt my little throat). This was not fruit flavored, but rather mint flavored. It was tiny so when I bit down it got stuck to my teeth, which then made me extremely paranoid about brushing my teeth for fear of brushing away the all important, from now on I will be swallowing my chewable birth control whole. I am just struggling to see the point of it of it being chewable in the first place...guess someone made millions on the patent...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Wedding Take Two!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Face Lift!
Soooo.....WHY do I want a three column site. Well...there will be another little change happening over here at Bio Girl. One I truly hope does not bother any of you. I have been asked to join the blogher ad network (I looked into it a while back...around the time all the fertility stuff started rolling, and they were closed to new members. I added my name to a waiting list and I recently got an email from them saying that although they are still closed, they would like to invite my site to join...very cool in my opinion.) This will not change my posting at all. I will not be writing about the products. I will not be selling anything at all. I am only selling the space on my site. You don't have to feel the need to click on anything. If you want to, feel free, but you clicking has absolutely no effect on my money from the ads. The only thing that will affect the money is my traffic (so you know...if you want to send some friends my way that would be cool with me...).
Now, lets be honest. my traffic is nothing impressive. I love all of my readers, but you all are few in number (but you are mighty!!). The money I will be getting from these ads will be minimal unless I experience some amazing traffic boom, which I don't expect to happen. The thing's still money. And honestly, IVF is not cheap. It is actually damn expensive. Overwhelmingly expensive. Nick and I have worked so hard to have no credit card debit and to keep ourselves with a reasonable savings and a comfortable life. This will be changing with the IVF. Down the road we may look into second jobs to cover the new debt. We aren't sure right now. The thing I do know is that every little bit helps, and if they are wanting to pay me ANYTHING for writing on my blog, which I already do and love, then I want to take advantage of that offer. I know some people have issues with blogs that advertise. I hope you all don't mind. Like I said before, Bio Girl is not changing. The writing will be the same, just the page will have a little more going on!
Friday, June 20, 2008
The Silver Lining
The procedure took all of five minutes and involved a pelvic ultrasound while they filled my uterus with a saline solution. I must say that I had vivid images of Veruca Salt filling up with blueberry juice and having to be squeezed in Willy Wonka when they told me about the "filling with liquid" but I am pleased to report that it was nothing like that at all...thank god. It really wasn't that different from the hundreds of other pelvic ultrasounds I have unfortunately had to become accustom to with the endo and fertility woes.
So now we are rolling into IVF. I start birth control on Friday (which goes against everything I know about baby making, but I will leave it in the hands of the experts) and then start my injections on July 23rd. We had a meeting with them on that day as well to go over all the medications and details. They sent me home with a packet today, which I will not lose and will actually read over this weekend. If everything goes according to plan we will be doing the egg retrieval on August 13th, 14th or 15th...I am excited to know the plan, and even more excited that we are doing something that might actually give us a baby!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
So as Soon as I Mention it....
I go in to the doc for the lining check on Friday. That's THIS Friday. Amazing. Apparently it is some sort of ultrasound procedure and she said it wont take long and I will be able to go back to work after. I honestly don't know the details of what they will be doing, but I have this sneaking suspicion that they gave me some paperwork on this thing back when we first met with the Doc and he laid out all our options. Now, if I was a perfectly organized person with a file in my filing cabinet labeled "infertility paperwork" I could go right to it. Alas I am not, so for me this means I need to dig through every tote I own...and maybe look in the back of my car...or under my bed. I am sure I have it here somewhere...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Testing *tap, tap, tap* Testing....
I have actually been okay since the first test on Tuesday. It hit me so hard I think I was numb to the rest of them. I really didn't hold out any hope when they said to test again on days thirty and thirty-two because I was convinced I had not started because I was still on the progesterone. I was sure when I stopped taking that, the period would come. When I was on the pill I would start spotting in the afternoon if I missed my pill that morning. I went off the progesterone on Friday...still nothing.
I honestly still didn't have false hopes for this. I knew the test was plenty late enough by Friday to have picked it up if there was any chance I was pregnant, but I thought I should go in for the blood test just so my mind didn't wonder to places it shouldn't go, and we wouldn't find myself in pieces again over the same failed I got the call yesterday afternoon that I am still NOT pregnant. Good to know. She said they could start me on hormones to get me going, but I would have to take them for ten days before they would work. At this point I figured it was better to just give it time. No need for one more hormone in the system...
I did find out that I am having a procedure to check the quality of my lining. It will most likely be next week, but will depend on when I start. I will tell you more about that when I know (because I can't help but share everything)...and then I will be doing our first IVF cycle in August! Somehow I didn't expect them to give me a date already...I thought it would be more wait and see, but we are rolling straight into IVF...just as soon as I start my damn period.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Wedding Details
And the wedding was done!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I bought all they had. Which was only three, but they still had to call the manager to see if I could take them all, and I did have to carry them all three out to the car by myself and got lots of evil and confused looks as I speed walked with my arms burning like molten lava all the way out into the parking lot. ( I wonder if the Wii Fit has an arm toning workout?) You may be wondering why I didn't use a cart. That is a good question. I kinda sorta ran into the store. I had this fear that in the time it took me to get the cart, I would see the last one walk out the door. Then they checked me out in electronics and I said, "I might need to run and get a cart!' and the clerk said, "Oh no. You can totally carry all three. They aren't heavy!" Listen buddy, if I was all fit, I wouldn't NEED the Wii Fit! They might not be heavy to you, but DEAR GOD I am not sure I will make it to the car!! ( I did make it...obviously)
Still, I cannot complain about my new favorite store. God bless you Target. Not only do you provide me with a bathing suit and some new tops. You have now also given me the key to my workout plans (so I will look better in said bathing suit and tank tops) as well as a way to make a little extra money. Score!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Anyway, on a rumor that Target might have a Wii Fit, Boo and I rushed over there to see. They were sold out, but I remembered that I needed a bathing suit while I was there! Now, bathing suit shopping doesn't really sound like something to pull a girl out of a depression, but for me shopping is shopping and I was willing to give it a go. I have always been a bikini girl, but with my new added weight I have developed a little bit of a self confidence issue. All previous bikini's were pretty small. Tie string sides, triangle know the ones. This time I wasn't ready to roll into the full piece/tankini, although I gave it SERIOUS thought. I noted how all four of the women in Sex and the City wore a full covering suit, and then Boo bought one, and the Dooce bought one, and THEN Chic Shopper Chick bought I rolled the idea around for a while, but with my long frame I wanted to give a bikini another go.
I ended up finding a perfect chocolate brown two piece. The bottoms are full covering, which I love. I almost went with the boy short ones, but I thought these kinda looked better. I then got two tops, one halter, one tube top, but both were fully covering and will stay on. I love that the suit is just solid brown. I wasn't really feeling the bright patterns screaming "Look at me!! I am bigger than I have ever been!!!" I am thinking this suit will look good with a tan, it is flattering on, and it was cheap. All very strong selling points!
After finding the perfect suit, I turned my attention to the tops. Do you all know how cute Targets clothes are?? I live and die by outlet mall shopping, so I don't really shop at Target often. I have heard on other blogs that say it is a dream come true (and my aunt says Walmart is as well, but I haven't really tried there...I did look for a swimming suit there, and the small tops were to big (sigh) and the large bottoms really didn't fit right...which might or might not mean they were to small) so I thought I would try to find some simple tank tops. Oh people, the love. They have nice loose, long shirts! And they are cheap! Like $7.99 cheap. For that price I can throw them away at the end of the summer and still be thrilled. I just need some clothes that don't cling, and that I can be comfortable in. I have several of the new "empire" shirts, but I feel so maternity in them. They are cute, but I feel like I am trying to hide something (which I am) or that I am pretending to be pregnant (which I try to avoid...). These new shirts are a nice happy medium. They don't look maternity. They do look comfortable (and okay, I am wearing one right now and it IS comfortable!). I believe I will be living in them all I just need some bottoms...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Trip Abandoned
With IUI #1 and #2 I started on days 23 and 25. When I start, I am horribly indescribably sick. I try very hard to not let many people see me on these days because they are generally full of tears and cramping and sleeping on a heating pad whenever possible. Not ideal for cabin living...Then there was the issue of what if this month I don't actually start early. I am now on all the added hormones so there is definitely as possibility that I will make it all the way through this one. Then how am I going to feel about our planned activities? Things that sound amazing to me, but if I am pregnant things I would be hesitant to do. This is something we want so much and have been trying for for so long. I just couldn't feel comfortable horse back riding and white water rafting if I felt I might "mess up" what we want more than anything.
Then, of course you will notice that the trip goes right over that magical day 28. This means I would be taking my test in Tennessee. Not a problem if it is positive, but if it is yet again negative, I am not sure I want to be so open as to let everyone see the true disappointment. This is our last IUI. I have no idea how it will hit me, but if I haven't started spotting by Tuesday and then the test is negative I have a feeling it will be a bad, bad day.
So I decided not to go. I let them all know that I love them and will miss them, but there is just no way I can look at the trip and see that it is best for me or for them for me to join in. They were sad, but they understand. They are so supportive with all this fertility stuff, which means the world to me. I have a certain amount of guilt with the fact that our fertility issues are me. It is something that is not for this post, and I might not ever be able to fully get out in any post, but there are some issues there. My desire to be a mother is incredibly strong, but my desire to allow Nick to be a father is equally pulling on my heart. The support and love and lack of judgment from his family (and my family too) means everything to me.
It's just the things that people who struggle with infertility give up just for the chance that it might be working is incredible. It is overwhelming and heart breaking to sacrifice and then have it be for nothing. I have no problem going out with my friends and sitting on patios and everyone having beers and Margarita's and I have Sprite. It is fine with me. It is totally worth it, just in case. I am okay to not go on vacations that have non-pregnant friendly activities because I could be. This could be our time. The problem is that it just increases the heart ache when it is negative. And eventually makes you angry for the things you give up when it would be worth it...but in the end it isn't, because it was for nothing. I really hope I gave up this trip for a good reason. The best reason. But I know that since I can't see the future, it was really the only decision I could make with the information I had....
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The Kat Sac Giveaway!!

Okay, that's it. Go enter. I hope you win. Actually, I REALLY hope I win, but if I can't then maybe one of the Bio Girl Readers can! Good Luck, and we will be back to random me-me-me updates tomorrow!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Spoke to Soon
This is when the story takes an emotional turn. Right as I toss, I hear this little "tink". so I think to myself that that sure did sound like metal on metal, and what on earth would be made of metal in the Reese's wrappers...and then it hits me. Nick's wedding ring! His wedding ring that is actually passed down from his grandfather...and I have just thrown it away!! Now, I am sure you are all thinking that this is no reason to panic. I mean, I do KNOW I have done it. I just need to grab a second trash bag and begin the slow transfer as I search for the tiny gold ring. In hind sight, this sounds very logical. I instead went with the option of starting to cry. WHY?? There is no need for tears! But the tears came. Tears of joy that I had made a chicken pot pie the night before so there were cans in the trash, tears of frustration that I was going to be late to work, tears of annoyance with us for not getting the stupid ring sized so it stays on his finger...just tears.
Then, yesterday evening I am checking my email. I get one from my friend Arielle. No big deal, a forward. One of those "tell people how much they mean to you" kinda forwards...and it had this story for this dad telling his son how much he loves him and then his son said he had planned to commit suicide that night, but his dad saved him...with his kind kind words! and I gotta tell ya, I read those forwards and usually think, "well that's nice..." but this one....this time...the tears begin again! I would bet money these people were not even real. It isn't like I KNOW them...and yet I cry for their sad sad story...and for their happy ending....and yes, I am going to have to say that the hormones and the steroids are most definitely starting to get to me...just a little...
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
In Other News...
Another fun fact is that I am now extremely jittery. Fun, right? The doc said the high dose of the steroid I am on can make that happen, along with the feeling that I want to clean the house (score!) and...wait for it...extreme emotions. That mixed with the Clomid, estrogen and progesterone is making me just about the most insane person around. Nick is a lucky, lucky man! Honestly we haven't seen to many side effects besides me not being able to sleep last night from the jitters. Kinda just felt like I had WAY to much caffeine...
So, away from medical updates, I did go see the Sex and the City movie this weekend with all my girl friends and I LOVED IT! I was really worried about it. Why mess with a good thing? The series ended PERFECTLY! Don't mess with the happily ever after! But I was wrong. It was okay to reopen the story. To bring back our old friends. I had forgotten how much I loved them...
Okay, this is kinda turning into a random hodge podge of a post, which I apologize for, but it's what I get for obsessing. I did other things this week, but God help me I can't remember them. I did want to wrap up some loose ends on the arm funk front that were brought up in the comments (which, by the way, were AWESOME! I love getting that many comments on my arm disease. You all didn't shy away from the nasty at all!!)
- First, the doc said she really thinks it is a plant allergy. The reason it moved to my stomach was because at some point before I washed the oils off, I touched there. It took longer to come out because there was not as high of a concentration in that area. kinda looks to me like I was holding my my shirt to pee...but that's just a really weird guess...she said it isn't on my hands because I had washed my hands, but not the crook of my elbow. Score one for proving I wash my hands!
- You can actually get shingles more than once. You are actually more likely to get them once you have had them a first time. It's the chicken pox virus laying dormant in your system, and it will come out under high stress and infect a nerve. The wedding shingles aren't really that exciting, but I was...well...under a lot of stress. My Papa was really ill and I just broke out all on my stomach. I actually recognized it right away and got on the medication fast. Could have been much worse!
- They didn't talk about it being hives, but I actually did! really the main big one never had that hive look. It does in that pic, but really it was flaky and oozy and nasty. The ones on my other arm really do look like hives though. The doc said it was once again just less of the oil...
Okay, that's it. I gotta get going. Sorry for the jumping of topics, but I think I am caught up to normal life. Now we get to obsess over the next six days...
Monday, June 2, 2008
Truly the Last One...
This stuff really isn't photographing well, but I just keep trying!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Saturday in the ER for the "Bite"
So when I woke yesterday morning my arm was looking seriously nasty. Like all crusty and oozy and just...yuck. I decided to call up the old doc and see what he thinks. I mean, clearly the antibiotics were not doing much. The center point of both bites had expanded to the size of the tip of my pinkie finger, and the ooze zone was now bigger than a quarter. I get a hold of the doc on call and describe the situation. He says I need to head on into the ER for a culture and to get it cleaned out. He said it sounded like I had a staff infection. I was not sure the ER was necessary, but it's a Saturday and I guess that's what you gotta do...
Nick and I get to the ER and amazingly, we are the ONLY people in the waiting room. Around here your ER waiting room visit can take like eight hours, so this was a big score on our part. In about ten minutes we were being taken into a room. The nurse also felt that it looked like a nasty staff infection, but she sent the doc on in. The doc took one look at it and said...poison sumac or poison oak! I nicely (according to Nick a little not so nicely) informed him that both the pharmacist and my PCP had thought it was a bite and had ruled out any kind of contact dermatitis and wouldn't he like to wash it off and see what is under all the crustyness that has built up? He said he would not like to do that, that it was the crustyness that made him sure. I said I was not allergic to poison ivy or the likes, and he said everyone is allergic. I asked if he would like to take a culture of it like my PCP office wanted and he said he would not like to do that either. He gave me a steroid cream and sent me on my way.
So...first off, I do know that clearly one of the doc's I have talked to is wrong. I know that it could be my doc, and not this ER doc. So then why was I so annoyed with the ER doc? I mean, the idea of NOT having some nasty poisonous spider in the house sounds WONDERFUL. Knowing that it just needs to run it's course is comforting. And yet...annoyed. I think it was that I feel like nobody is taking much time to REALLY look at this. He made up his mind and that was that. I want to TALK about it! How do you KNOOOOOW. But I guess he's the doctor and he seemed sure (but so did my PCP). Let's hope he's right and the steroid cream clears it right up! He did keep me on the antibiotics because he said even poison sumac gets infected, so I am covered on all bases I guess...
So...after your hundreds of requests (one) for a picture, I have finally caved and figured I would let you all see the nastyness. I figure you all have seen a lot of spider bites and a lot of contact dermatitis, so you should be able to let me know what you think. Why would I trust you all more than the doc?? not sure, but if you say it looks just like poison sumac or oak, then I will believe you...
And here it is yesterday before the ER six from when I first noticed the spot.
Damn...that second picture does kinda look like a poison ivy-ish rash, but they said they needed to culture it so I let the crustyness build before I went...and the top one looks like a big bite...gaw...Sorry for the infection pics. I will be back to normal posting next time around!!