
Monday, June 23, 2008

Wedding Take Two!

So for the second weekend in a row I was at a wedding! For some this might seem annoying, but for me it is pure joy. I have an unnatural love of all weddings...amazing weddings...good. Terrible weddings...goooood. Fortunately for all involved this fell into the good wedding category. It was my friend from work Justin getting married, and he couldn't have had better weather for an outdoor wedding! When I woke up that morning I was in a slight panic for them as the rain poured down, but lucky it cleared up and was beautiful by that evening! His new wife let us know that she was pleased to learn that Jesus did indeed love her...she had some doubts, but he came through in the end!

Anyway, here are some pics from the lovely event. The wedding was an hour and forty-five minutes from our home town, so I figured it would be alright if Nick sat this one out and I went with Tarp. The two of us managed just fine without our dates!
Here is the two of us waiting for the wedding to start
The wedding party waiting for the bride
I am pretty proud of this pic...caught dad wiping away a tear...awwwI possibly spent a little to long watching the two adorable flower girls dump out their baskets of daisies...Just married! (and aren't the khaki tuxes perfect for the outdoor wedding?)
The place cards...which Tarp made fun of me for taking a picture of...but I liked it
A picture of the wonderful cake...I did kinda dub myself the wedding photographer. Yes, they had one, but for some reason I documented EVERYTHING And I may or may not have lurked behind the real photographer and snapped a million pictures with my awesome zoom...But in the end my love my being in pictures myself won is a shot of the Bio lab crew...And me and Justin (see all those people around? No need for it to be a self portrait, but I insisted)And one last picture of the newlyweds!
Hope everyone had a great weekend! Boo and I drove to Tennessee today to visit my little sister, so I have had an extremely packed I need a day off to rest!


  1. Nice shots.

    Ironically, I detest weddings!


  2. Looks like you had perfect weather for an outdoor wedding. I never recognize Justin without a hat on his head.

  3. You got some great shots! Looks like it was a beautiful wedding!

  4. i would never have thought of khaki color suits for the men, but they look great!

    love the flowergirls at all the weddings... they are just all so cute.

    at my wedding, mine cried all the way down the aisle... it was too precious.

  5. We went to a wedding last night too! Our little one was the flower girl. She fell twice going up the aisle and the other flower girl kept yanking her back into place (rather roughly, may I add). Then she stopped at a set of bushes and pulled off a bunch of leaves before continuing her way up the aisle. Fun, fun.

    How is the Wii Fit treatin' ya? I'm dying to know!
