
Sunday, July 13, 2008

Back Home

Well I am happy to report that we are home safe and sound. It was a perfect trip, now I just wish I had a little more time before I have to go back to work! We stopped at Nick's grandma's house on the way home and stayed there for a couple of nights. I have a post in my head about that, but when I got home and back to the computer, I had an email from Chic Shopper Chick saying my guest post is up! Well, that seems like a perfect reason to not post anything real today and simply link to the one I wrote for her site! So, run on over to Chic Shopper Chic and check out my review of those terrible CROCS which it turns out I kinda sorta love!

** Also, check out my new amazing little signature! Adorable, right? All from Sweet and Simple Designs!**

**Last little thought. Did you all hear about the lightening strike on Pensacola Beach during the Blue Angles show on Saturday??? Ten people went to the hospital! We were out there Friday watching the dress rehearsal, but missed the real show Saturday because we were in Alabama. Dodged a bullet there...**

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I can't believe there was a lightning strike the very next day right where we were!! How creepy is that??
