
Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

Well it is pouring down rain here. Hope everyone else has weather that is a little better for the fireworks! I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get ready to leave, so there is no time for the out doors or fireworks for us. Only time for laundry and packing and cleaning the entire house and baking a cake for our house sitter...because we want it to seem nice and homey...and basically doing all that stuff you (or at least I) put off until the last minute. We are hitting the road at five in the morning. That should put us on the beach by three. We have WiFi in the house, so I am sure you all will be hearing from me over the week....that reminds me to grab the memory card reader! Okay, gotta get back to work. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and friends!

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