
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More Fun Times In Florida

Well we are officially having a blast down here at the beach. Not much going on to report, but lots and lots of pictures to share. We did go metal detecting today. Yes, we have a metal detector, and no we do not find this embarrassing. We actually have TWO metal detectors here at the house, Nick's and my Aunt Cheryl's. Her's is way better than ours and comes with head phones and special beeps to tell you what metal you are detecting and how deep they are in the sand! Genius!!

Honestly we were not incredible successful with our detection skillz. I will share the photo of our finds...

This is our large pile of "treasures" but then we found the item of all items...

We were really hoping it was platinum and diamonds, but when we scanned it with the metal detector it informed us that it was indeed....iron. CLASSY!

Now to the Family pictures (because I am sure you all are dying to see them...or maybe I am just dying to share them...)

Here is a picture of me and Nick the other night before we went out to a great dinner!

Here are the Bee Family before dinner too!

My adorable Mom and DadBoo and Chris looking cute in their matching green

Me with my Aunt Carole

Back on the beach, here are four generations spending time together in the sun!

My parents with two of their three girls...

Last night we grilled out steaks here at the condo then played board games. Man, we know how to have a good time(seriously...we do. it was awesome)! Here is a picture of Boo and Chris in their matching white before dinner

And finally a last picture of me and Nick! Hope you all are having a great week. I know we are!


  1. you should be having to much fun to blog

  2. Y'all are so cute, and I love your treasures!!

  3. well, really if I can find time to blog in my crazy home life then it should be easy to find time in my relaxing, do what I want when I want vacation life!

  4. The jealousy... It buuuurrrrrrns!

  5. Lovely pictures!

    I was reading your profile that you were diagnosed with endo. Me too. I was diagnosed 2 months ago. :(
