
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Back on Track

Yesterday I got a call at work. One of the guys that works here needed one of us to meet him at the hospital to pick up his work truck and samples. He fiance was having emergency surgery. When I got there to get the keys he said she was having a D&C, they they hadn't told anyone they were pregnant again...because they had just had a miscarriage in the winter and really wanted to make sure everything was working first. The pain on his face...they want this so much. I realized there are way worse things than a high estrogen level. A delay. That's all it is.

I am doing better, but my heart is hurting for their loss. I am good with where we are. Nick got home last night (did I tell you all he was in Pittsburgh for work? Left Sunday back Tuesday. No big deal except our IVF was canceled in the middle...). It was nice to be back to normal. He wont be traveling again for a long time. I am now looking ahead. Thinking of September and hoping that is our month, but knowing that if something else goes wrong it will just take time to work out. I trust Doc, and know he is one of the best. I have faith in him and his decisions to get us there...maybe not on my timeline, but get us there eventually.

Now if I could just do something about these damn hot flashes! I thought it would get better because the Lupron dose was dropping, but now I am on 10 units until the end of August...gonna have to get that fan from you Charing! Thank you all for your sweet words of comfort. The comments, emails, texts and phone calls truly helped me through Monday. I can never explain how much it helped.


  1. I am going to hold on to the fan as a way to lure you over to my house

  2. The hot flashes are the worst. For me, they keep occurring at night. I keep getting headaches too.

  3. A teacher at our school was going through the same process you are and she just announced that she is pregnant - with twins!! It will happen for you too.

  4. As a past IVF'er so sorry to hear about your cycles and the hot flashes. Wishing you luck in September.

    Take care

  5. We all love you and believe it will happen!!! I have a fan directly pointed at me right now. :D
