
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

Well we are officially home! We had a an amazing weekend spending time with our family. There was tons of talking and laughing. I could not have been luckier with the family I got to join when we married. Nick did point out to me at some point on the trip that I might be a touch nicer to his family that I actually am to him (impossible...I am perfect). We were shopping and they had a bin of stuffed animals. Nick picks one up and says, "Look, a walrus!" I roll my eyes and say (in that voice that is completely calling someone a fool) "THAT is not a walrus! IT IS A MANATEE!" *eye roll to show how OBVIOUS this is* Ten seconds later Sally (my MIL) walks up and picks up the Manatee...she says, "LOOK, a walrus!!"...I say... "Um...actually..." *smile* *shrug shoulders*" I think that MIGHT be a manatee, what do YOU think?" She looked at the tag and said, "Oh yeah, your right!"

Nick's eyes might have actually fallen out of his head. He couldn't seem to understand how he gets the "OBVIOUSLY" eye roll and his mom get the "maybe...could be...not positive" smile. I informed him that it is what makes me a great daughter in law! (and a realistic wife!)

I failed miserably at taking pictures over this trip. I carried my camera with me...with big plans to photograph everything...wanna see what I got?
Here is Ellie in the bed that Mawmaw put together for her. She was in dog in heaven! Okay, the bed was a little small for her, but she still appreciated the effort!
Next we have Nick and Matt at the going away party. Did I get in a photograph? nope. Did I get Matt and Tori together at their going away party? Nope. Did I get ANYBODY besides these two?*sigh*. Still, it's a cute picture and you can kinda tell we did something!
Next...we have a family portrait from the trip home. We ended up taking the scenic route through Tennessee and stopped at this over look for a quick picture. I gotta say, I am looking a little dirty here, but it was a travel day...also, not pictured is my mother in law...because I suck.

That's it! Three pictures of the entire weekend adventure! I will try to snap some pictures tomorrow with Matt and Tori while there are at our house on the first leg of the road trip to Portland! Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. I love those pictures, even if there aren't many! What part of Tennessee is that? Glad your weekend was fabulous!

    Oh, and I totally understand the Walrus thing. It's not like you can talk to your MIL in the "you're a complete fool" voice, it just wouldn't be polite. :) That's what hubbies are for!

  2. At least you got a few pics! I love driving in Tennessee, there are some beautiful places there.

    Take care

  3. It's so hard to remember to take pictures when you are having fun!! At least the ones you got are good.

    Cory and his friends are forever making fun of be for taking pics, but then they all crowd around to see them up on my website-or so Cory tells me:) So it's all relative.
