
Monday, August 4, 2008

No Go

I went in this morning for my first ultrasound and a blood draw to see how things were looking for our cycle. Assuming everything was in line I would be starting my stimulating hormones today, and we would really be rolling. My ultrasound looked good, but my blood work came back with a high estrogen level. He said that we had to cancel the IVF. That he knows a high estrogen level decreases the success rate with IVF, and he wanted to make sure everything was at its best before we do this. I stay on the Lupron until the end of August, then go in for another ultrasound and blood draw. We are now shooting for the September cycle. I know it is best, but I am heart broken. truly heart broken. We are so ready, and to be told that we have to is just more than I could take. I left work for the day...I should be better tomorrow. And then we can look forward to September. For today I am just so disappointed and sad.


  1. ::Sarah:: I'm so sorry. Hang in there though, your time is coming!

  2. That sucks. Does he have any idea why your estrogen levels are high?

  3. When I clicked on BioGirl in my bookmarks toolbar and saw "No Go" my heart just sank.

    I'm so so sorry.

  4. I am so sorry, too, Sarah. I am disappointed and sad for you. Hopefully September will be your month. Love you.

  5. Crossing my fingers for September!!

  6. Oof -- I'm so sorry. Here's hoping your time away from work allowed you to grieve and begin to look forward . . . . fingers crossed for September.

  7. Dammit, sorry this one is a no go.

    I know how sad and disappointed you must feel.

    But getting everything right before going for it will increase your chances, and you know in your heart thats the best.

    Take care.

  8. I am so sorry. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you in September.

    Hug your DH tight tonight.

    And if you'd like, I'll buy you a cyber drink tomorrow.


  9. I am so sorry. That just stinks!!

  10. Hang in there honey. Loving you and thinking of you as you are on your quest.

  11. it's for the best... this way, you know when the doctor tells you that everything is a go, it'll be successful. :)

    hang in there.


  12. Sarah
    I'm just getting to know your blog but wanted to let you know I'm sorry to hear your news. It's tough when you get your hopes up and then things don't happen the way you wanted. Here's hoping that September is your month.

    Thanks so much for the Little Fish award you guys have sent my way. I'm totally thrilled and so complimented. I really appreciate it.


  13. I am so sorry. This has to be truly disappointing to have to wait another month after waiting so long :(
