
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Weekend in Pictures

So I realize the holiday weekend isn't actually over yet, but I have taken so many pictures of the last two days I felt that it was time to go ahead and post them. I am working today and tomorrow, so besides watching the UK vs UofL game today with some friends, I am pretty sure I am going to just relax until Tuesday. Isn't that what Labor Day is for?? Anyway, settle in as my amazing weekend passes before your eyes...(seriously, settle in, we are talking about three separate events in pictures all packed into one fun filled post!)
First, Friday night we went to a wedding! What, you have never been to a Friday wedding?? Well, this was my first but they saved a lot of money and I still had my entire Saturday to do what I wanted (will be shared later in the post) so I gotta say I am a fan of the Friday night weddings!
Here is Nick's step-sister Victoria looking all adorable
Nick and I at the church ( I am having a really skinny weekend in all the pics! Gotta be the Wii Fit doing its job! (haven't really worked out in a while...but whatever...))

Sister in law Candice (Maid of Honor!) with her boyfriend Davis

Nick with his dad and Candice...can you see the family resemblance??

I just think this one is funny...looks how surprised she is that her bouquet only went about two feet...not the best showing there, Victoria!

Victoria dancing with Dale. Notice the dress change! That's right, she had TWO wedding dresses...amazing!Me and Nick chillin' at the wedding. The hot flashes gave me some serious issues, but besides that we had a wonderful time!and because Michael should be included too, here is a final shot of the bride and groom!

Now, usually that would be the end of the post, but I thought you all might rather get all the pictures in one big post, soooooo....Saturday was my grandpa's 75th birthday!

Here are my mamaw and pa!

and my pa with two of his brothers

my mom with her sister and aunts. My mom (in pink) looks so happy in this picture! She loves having people over to their house!

me and my sisters just hanging out by the fence

being ridiculous (okay, we got a little crazy with the picture I seriously think we took about 100)

Me and Nick (see, skinny weekend!)

Nick trying to take a funny picture, but I really like it!

Me by the fence the fence

Boo and Chris still hanging out at the fence, but aren't these pictures great! We should take a lot more pictures with the fence involved....

All the cousins that were in attendance at the birthday party!

My mom did an amazing job with the entire party and everyone had a great time. Thanks for putting it all together mom!

Now for the final event of the weekend (yes there is one more, but only a couple pic's this time!!) We left the birthday party to go to sweet little Mandy's personal shower!

Here is the bride-to-be with Missy

Missy with her two best friends Mandy and Becky

And finally the adorable little bride to be.

Thanks for looking at all the pics! anyone still even looking at these? Anyway, I think I have had my picture fill for awhile, so I will be back to boring words tomorrow! Hope you all are having a great holiday weekend!


  1. Hooray for skinny weekends!! I need one of those!

  2. You are looking adorable!

    I haven't had a skinny weekend since I was 19. Oh well.

  3. Thank you for coming on Saturday! What a great night. Missy looked so great. Love ya! PS: you always look skinny :)

  4. you look fabulous! LOVE skinny days!

    the wedding looked like alot of fun!
