
Monday, September 15, 2008

16 hours

I am officially on count down to when I am going to be the most pregnant I have ever been. We go in for the transfer at 7:30 in the morning. I am so excited, but at the same time really anxious. I hate that we didn't get our daily call this morning with an update on our little embryos, but know it is just the start of the long wait. The nine days of waiting for the test. That is going to be rough.

I went to work today, but actually decided to call it a day a little early. I would have been okay, but due to Hurricane Ike the main lab has no power (reminder, we are NOWHERE near the Texas coast...just saying...). Without power there, we have no server. Without a server we have only random cleaning to do this afternoon. I could have spent the day working on reporting at my desk, but when it comes to washing dishes, putting things away, moving things body just wasn't up for it. I called Doc to let them know I was still a little uncomfortable. I don't feel terrible, but I didn't want them to get there tomorrow and have them do an ultrasound and be like, WHY HAVEN'T YOU CALLED? I don't think they would, but I just wanted to cover all bases.

I have this full feeling. No other way to describe it. My abdomen is a little distended and I am just uncomfortable. I can't wear pants with buttons (I wasn't good) and I am looking...well...a little bloated. All signs that I am suffering from a mild case of OHSS. The nurse said she wanted me to take it easy the rest of the day. Drink lots of Gatorade and eat salty foods. That was all I needed to hear. I picked up some salty sweet checks mix and a new 12 pack of Gatorade on my way home...that along with the first season of Gossip Girl a friend let me borrow, and I will be set for the next couple of days on the couch!

Okay, I am going to lay down. We would really appreciate all thoughts and prayers for our sweet little ones tomorrow morning! I will try to be as sticky as possible so they want to stay around for the next nine months! I have my laptop, so I will at least update you with the final number of embryos and the number we transfer!


  1. Sending lots and lots of prayers your way for tomorrow! I can't wait to hear the update!

  2. I am so excited I can't stand it! I echo mrs. who. I will definitely have you guys on the brain tomorrow. :D

  3. Good luck! I will be thinking of you in the morning. ;-)

  4. Sending you very sticky thoughts!

  5. I woke up thinking about you and your big day! Praying for ya.

  6. Thinking about ya! Looking forward to "hearing" your recap of the day! :)
